Topic started by g mauruthi (@ on Sat Aug 4 13:34:51 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
ARR took over IR. ARR says that in some years someone else with a new style will take over him. Any comments gals and guyz
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Aug 4 13:53:18 EDT 2001
Idhu thevaiya.?
I think you are a ARR fan (atleast to some extend...OK).
People will not resist, and again an IR - ARR fight will emerge and all sorts of bashing will take place.
Yen, than thalaiyileye manna vaari pottukkureenga.
- From: Balaji (@ cc112533-c.ebnsk1.nj.home.com)
on: Sat Aug 4 15:46:25 EDT 2001
The Domination of one MD in TFM is no longer there!
1. ARR name still sells!
However ARR's slowness and his interest in HFM continue to threaten his Position in TFM (All his quality over quantity is just an excuse!!)
2. HJ sells well too !! He is now the most sought after MD now in TFM! Though he has shown little originality, we have to wait and see if he can shed this image as he proves more successful!
3. YSR shows a lot of promise and provides quiet different tunes! However his songs lack the punch that need to become a classic !
4. KR should stick to Back-ground music, as his songs some how lack continuity!
5. My yearning for VidyaSagar ended after hearing to his recent film albums! He is just a shade better than DEVA/SAR!
6. The one film wonder Ranjit Barot seems to be doing a decent conductor job for Annu Malik! Lets wait for him and see how he fares in the new Madhavan movie?
I could hardly see any current crop replacing ARR; However if that happens, my bets are are with HJ and YSR if these guys correct their weaknesses!
- From: vin (@ cc756788-c.narltn1.nj.home.com)
on: Sat Aug 4 18:35:42 EDT 2001
Check out ARR's latest interview to Khalid Mohammed in www.rahmanonline.com. He talks about IR, saying how IR is a phenomenon and that he is a warm person. Atleast now I think we should all try to come out of this IR--ARR comparision mania which has engulfed us when those guys themselves don't do that.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Aug 5 11:26:15 EDT 2001
>>>I could hardly see any current crop replacing ARR; However if that happens, my bets are are with HJ and YSR if these guys correct their weaknesses!
Balaji...that was a good posting. I personally want YSR to take the place of ARR, if the latter quits the tamil scene in future. HJ.....not so impressive right now. Xerox of ARR.
- From: Preitha (@ dk9as11-203-206-95.cw-visp.com)
on: Sun Aug 5 16:24:00 EDT 2001
C.F I too feel that YSR is the best bet to take number one position in TFM after the departure of ARR. HJ hasn't impressed me from the get go.Everything is a copy of ARR and there is no originality in the music. YSR however oozes originality and innovativeness in his music.Take for example Idhu Kadala from TI, he has introduced a style in TFM that hadn't been done before. I feel that YSR can offer more to TFM that any other upcoming MD including HJ.I was paticularly disappointed with Majnu as I felt it was a big let down after Minnale.People are not willing to accept this point and I believe that they are simply cheering for HJ as he has been given more hype than YSR.HJ has not at all lived up to his hype. I feel that if YSR had been given the opportunites and publicity that HJ had been given till date, YSR would be number one now without a dount. How many interviews have you seen about YSR since he started his MD career?All I have seen is gossip about him but nothing to promote his music. Maybe if some of the internet magazines gave him interviews and reviews he will do better.Also he just needs a good break with a good movie.TI would have been a greater hit had the movie been released as well.
Good Luck YSR I know you can make it to Number 1.
Any to any magazines, please give us in depth interview from YSR.
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Tue Aug 7 02:43:28 EDT 2001
Hey Guys, Hey Guys, I dint mean this...
I mean the type of Music...
ARR had different type of music than IR
So will anyone with a entirely different type of music take over...
I think that person is yet to come...
REgarding YSR, I think that he is just another Deva...
I have heard his songs in Thulluvatho Ilamai( idhu kadhala etc ) already in English songs.
Any Comments... ?
- From: Nakayama (@ macnica-fcm.macnica.co.jp)
on: Tue Aug 7 03:31:46 EDT 2001
If U tell YSR has copied one song waht about ARR.
His 50% are copies and 50% are inspirations.
Originality may be 1 or 2 %.
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-98-191.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Tue Aug 7 16:20:23 EDT 2001
GMaruthi GMaruthi I did mean this...
From: Preitha (@ dk9as11-203-206-95.cw-visp.com) on: Sun Aug 5 16:24:25 EDT 2001
G Maurathi You seem to have taken it upon yourself to visit every YSR thread and post you r unsubstantiated views.If you believe that YSR is a xerox copy, can you please quote of what he is a copy?Idhu Kadala is a garage track which is a little known style of music from U.K. What you maybe don't realise is that, all garage tracks sound similiar due to their same beats.Musically, i have to disagree that YSR has copied anything.You claim that YSR is a Xerox like Deva but you can't even name 1 song that YSR has copied because he hasn't copied anything. If theres one thing YSR deserves immense credit for, it is his originality in his music.You don't hear music that has been heard before.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Tue Aug 7 17:31:49 EDT 2001
I liked "ithu kaadhala", "vaithukku vantha penne vaa veliye" from thulluvatho ilamai very much....
nakayama = anti-ARR bias
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Wed Aug 8 00:01:57 EDT 2001
Hi Preitha,
I am just trying to get the songs YSR has copied...
Wait till I get it and send it to you as mp3...
It will definetly cut your nose short...
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Wed Aug 8 00:20:35 EDT 2001
Well one more copied song,
Nerupukku Song in thulluvatho ilamai is so much similar to, Virupaachi Aruvaala in Taj Mahal.
Just listen guys and dont deny it...
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Wed Aug 8 13:20:24 EDT 2001
>>>Nerupukku Song in thulluvatho ilamai is so much similar to, Virupaachi Aruvaala in Taj Mahal.
I told it long before. But again, the former is a nice one from YSR. TI is agood album.
- From: NagaS (@ lan-202-144-74-140.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Aug 9 00:54:54 EDT 2001
g mauruthi and Common Friend,
to some extend I agree to you, Where they sing 'vaadaa vaadaa' - both the tunes look similar, But other than that, they are totally different tunes.
Its a fantastic song and My fav. in TI.,
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