Song: kaNNa therakkaNum sAmi Film: mundhAnai mudiCHu Notes: s r1 g2 m1 p d2 n2 S kaNNa therakkaNum sAmi S S n S R R S n kaiya pudikkaNum sAmi S S n S R R S S idhu vAnam pAkkira boomi SR G R SR S n S R vandhu sErndhu irukkaNum sAmi S R G R SR S n S GR Stanza: OdinA OduvEn mAlaiya soodavA SR G RS SR n S RS S S S bakthi mArAdhu rasanaiyum nikkAdhu G3 G3 G3G3G3 R2R2R2 M G3 G3G3 yEn dhEham theeNdAthE mayilE R2 R2 M G3 G3G3 n S R ? dnSR SndnS S S S dnSR SndnS G mOham theera ? ? G M RG SR nS d1n pd1n
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