Song: varuvAi anbE Film: Garjanai Notes: s r2 g2 m1 p d1 n3 S varuvAi anbE tharuvAi ondru p d S S SnSnSn n S R R GR RS Sn thiruvAi muTHam rasippOmE n S R R G3RSRG3 S S S S kAtrA...dum poovE R GRRS S S RSSn senkaniyA...dum kodiyE nS R R GRRS S S S RSSn en thOLO...du nee A....da nAn A....da vA nS R GRRS S S RSSn n n Snnd d p dpm Stanza : mAlai iLam vey...yil sOlai iLam thendral G R SS SR RG G G R SS nSSR R kAdhalenum thErondril nAm indru pO...vOm SGG G G RGM R R n2SR n2 n2 pdn2 p pudhumai konjum iLamai inbam p d n2 n2 Sn2d pd n2 S GRRSSn2 kaNNil therinthadhu vAnam SR R R R G R S R nenjil vaLarndhathu mOham SR R R R G R S R oonjalil Adida nAnunai koodida nAyahi aruhinil vA SG G G GR R R S S S n2n2 n2d d dp p p pmgmg
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