Song: chinna kuyil Film: poovE pooCHoodavA Notes: s r2 g3 m1 p d2 n3 S chinna kuyil pAdum pAttu kEkkudhA kuku kuku koo koo gp p p d dSn ndpdndp d pmpgp p p d n2d p thambihaLE thangaikaLE thEril ennai yEtrungaL p pSS S p pS S S p pn2 n2n2 n2 d n2dp ullAsamAi urCHAhamAi oorai sutri kAttungaL p pSS S p pS S S p pn2 n2 n2 n2 d n2dp Stanza: AhA indha boomi puTHam pudhusu (+1) nS S R n S n S R R RGRnp ada vAsam veesum poovai pOla vAsam seivEnE GG R G RS S S R Snn ndnR nd nRnd saTHamidum Odaiyai ippOdhu thAn pArkkirEn (+1) gdd d d1 dnd nSnd d d d dd1 dn d nSnd brindhAvanam ingE pArTHEnE lalala lalalA n S R R R R R GR ndp p p p p p p
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