SONG : YAdhum oorE FILM : NinaiththaalE inikkum Notes: s r2 g2 m1 p d2 n2 S yAdhum oorE yAvarum kELir s r g p n d p d p anbE engaL ulaga thaTHuvam S S p m gg g m p ps naNbar uNdu pagaivar illai g p d n d d dp pddm nanmai uNdu theemai illai m d n S n dp pddp ? malaysia pnd dd d d p pdm around the world friendship welcomes you md n nS S n3 S p ps Stanza : 1. ndnp dmpg mrgs rpm 2. mdnS dnpd mpg3m rmg 3. rgrg gSSS rgrg gnnn 4. rgrg nd1d1d1 Sppg grs
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