The sweetest language in India !!!
Topic started by IndianForLife (@ on Wed Apr 25 18:28:01 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I feel that it is Urdu. Urdu is so sweet that even if you don't understand it, the language still sounds so good. It sounds better than all other Indian languages. And If you understand it, it is the most sweetest and most powerful language in this world. It is also the most powerful form of poetry !!!. What is your opinion ??
- Old responses
- From: shanmugam (@
on: Mon Apr 30 19:21:50 EDT 2001
Obviously you don't know Thamizh and still you are claiming some words don't sound as good in Thamizh is in Urdu and also Urdu poetry is undoubtedly the most powerful form of poetry and above all the following gem :
Tamil poetry cannot cover the essence of Urdu poetry
(what do you exactly mean by this anyway?)
As someone else pointed out, probably, your knowledge of Thamizh based on some cine songs. Although you are entitled to your opinion you must have enough knowledge about Thamizh before you make any sweeping statements on sensitive issues like sweetness of Thamizh.
listen to ghazals of Madan Mohan or ones which Mohammed Rafi has sung
There are thousands of songs in Thamizh which are as good as, if not better than, the ghazals you are referring to, IMO.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Apr 30 19:32:49 EDT 2001
thamizh is one of the languages which has classified the consonants as hard,medium and soft based on the sound. It is also advanced grammatically and musically. For eg. it has rules for writing poetry with the tAlam in mind. And there are so many ways of writing poetry and all these have been systematically codified and documented.
All this talk about 'does it sound good to you' are only good enough to be talked over a dAbba meal or while waiting for the next commuter bus. These arguments do not have any academic merit.
And BTW, Hindi has to borrow from Urdu..because Hindi is still evolving (?) whereas Tamil has a much longer development history.
- From: :| (@
on: Mon Apr 30 19:46:06 EDT 2001
All languages are basically for communication - literature , poetry etc are only to represent one's advancement in thinking and representing it .. so no one can argue over the issue of one's supremacy over the other. none of us here are aware of all the languges and their nuances to rank them as sweetest or less sweeter etc. unfortunately the languages dont come with nutrition facts and calories listed on them ! to anyone , there is no such sweet thing as one's own mother tongue - the one in which one's mother talks to him at first . The postings by this "indian forlife "should be treated as yet another exhibition of ignorance which is common amongst the hindi / other north indian languages speaking people or those who live in the hindi belt . i bet not many know the difference in the various south indian languages ( to them, everything south of the vindhyas is madharas ..and the language spoken is madharaasi..)all they know is the kind of language the filmmakers in bollywood present as tamil ( or telugu etc )- and that is crudely portrayed by mehmood , johny lever and the likes..
i think posting in this thread is a serious gesture of giving some kind of a recognition to this guy and his absolutely ridiculous idea ! lets all stay clear from this ..!
- From: Swamiji (@
on: Mon Apr 30 19:46:21 EDT 2001
IFL : A Nari's "OOLAI" or "Howl" is sweeter among its community. You go and speak urdu among its midst, it wont think its sweet or sour, but gobble you up first. Maybe your meat would taste sweeter who knows.
Sweetness is subjective. People like you might think urdu is sweeter. People in France will think french is sweeter. People in ships might think "Morse code" is sweeter. People in Mars might think "Bits and Bytes" is sweeter. Why bother about which is sweeter?
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Mon Apr 30 22:48:27 EDT 2001
To all
I am in now way saying that Tamil is not as good as Urdu when it comes to poetry or to literature, what i am saying is that Urdu at it's best sounds better than any language IMO. I know Tamil has a old history and culture as well as Urdu and both languages can be expressed in excellent poetic form. When i said that tamil poetry cannot cover the essence of Urdu poetry i meant that Urdu poetry is the most powerful form of poetry that no language can reach it's deep meaning. I have also heard this from other sources as well as on the net that one can say it is the most powerful form of poetry. One has to learn tamil and Urdu to find out it's deep poetic meaning of the language. Urdu shayars are common all around India and if you want to hear their magic poetry you will have to learn the language. Even if you don't know the language, their poetry still sounds good. That is what i have been trying to say throughout this whole forum. I am no tamil hater and i respect all other languages. By the way, i was raised speaking Gujrati and Kutchi and that is my mother-tongue, not Urdu. I wouldn't mind learning Tamil or any other language as well. So don't think i am a tamil hater or i don't know the difference between other languages. I aploligize if i hurt anyone but i just wanted to find out your opinion.
- From: IndianForLife (@
on: Mon Apr 30 22:48:40 EDT 2001
To all
I am in no way saying that Tamil is not as good as Urdu when it comes to poetry or to literature, what i am saying is that Urdu at it's best sounds better than any language IMO. I know Tamil has a old history and culture as well as Urdu and both languages can be expressed in excellent poetic form. When i said that tamil poetry cannot cover the essence of Urdu poetry i meant that Urdu poetry is the most powerful form of poetry that no language can reach it's deep meaning. I have also heard this from other sources as well as on the net that one can say it is the most powerful form of poetry. One has to learn tamil and Urdu to find out it's deep poetic meaning of the language. Urdu shayars are common all around India and if you want to hear their magic poetry you will have to learn the language. Even if you don't know the language, their poetry still sounds good. That is what i have been trying to say throughout this whole forum. I am no tamil hater and i respect all other languages. By the way, i was raised speaking Gujrati and Kutchi and that is my mother-tongue, not Urdu. I wouldn't mind learning Tamil or any other language as well. So don't think i am a tamil hater or i don't know the difference between other languages. I aploligize if i hurt anyone but i just wanted to find out your opinion.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Tue May 1 00:45:58 EDT 2001
The sweetest language in India !!! - Urudu
To make this statement, first of all you should know all the languages in India. Do you know Bharathi? He was a grat poet. He wrote like this.
"Yaamarindtha Mozikalile Thamiz Mozi Pol Inithaavathengkum Kaanom"
Among all the languages he knew Thamiz was sweetest. Remember he didn't say in India or world. You can make a statement like this.
The sweetest language !!! - Urudu
The sweetest language I admire !!! - Urudu
First of all Urudu is not an pure Indian origin language. You liked the language due to some reasons. And your are making some idiotic statements.
This forum is for Music Lovers. I advice you to leave this forum. Otherwise shut up. Don't speak about others when you don't know about them.
Sorry for writing like this. But no other way to stop such things.
- From: Lets_learn_the_language_first (@
on: Tue May 1 00:47:34 EDT 2001
IndianForLife :
If you are serious about finding out other people's opinion, it is always a good idea to state your belief once - and once only - and then ask them to comment. If you insist on making presumptions like "Urdu at it's best sounds better than any language IMO" or "Even if you don't know the language, their poetry still sounds good", it appears as if you are baiting others.
Since you don't know Tamil, but you are willing to learn, why don't you come back, in say, two years and continue where you left off? That will give us all some time to learn Urdu and then we can have this discussion. Simple, right? Must not be a strain on the brain cells, correct? Ciao or Khuda hafeez, if you will.
- From: MS (@
on: Tue May 1 00:56:23 EDT 2001
Just curious, you folks out there who are arguing about "sweetness of languages" and saying that a language should be learnt to be branded sweet..
Suppose a guy who knows both the languages very well ( to the extent that he writes poetry in both, for example) comes and says "I think urdu is sweeter than tamil", what will be your reaction ?
- From: bb (@
on: Tue May 1 01:53:56 EDT 2001
saw this thread only now.. as aruL said: you can live in your own "sweet" world; if you want to bother others of your perceived sweetness of urdu, please do so in the forumhub. this forum is about TAMIL FILM MUSIC.
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