Topic started by aruvi (@ miami09.slip.yorku.ca) on Mon Apr 3 00:12:21 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Cover story on ARR at http://www.the-week.com/20apr09/cover.htm
- Old responses
- From: eden (@
on: Wed Apr 5 01:27:25 EDT 2000
My strong opinion about JV is this :
`A cheap mag (tabloid?), trying to thrive on sensationalism; while putting a mask of "investigative-journalism", this mag writes most of the time gossip'n'grapevine, very often LIES!'
(I have first hand bitter experience, topic is out of scope of DF)
- From: Neels (@ ppp-203-197-9-129.bom.vsnl.net.in)
on: Wed Apr 5 03:32:25 EDT 2000
I am in agreement on your views on Junior Vikatan.
The so-called investigative journalism is all third rate and this magazine caters to the lowest common denominator. It has sensational photographs of mutilated bodies and gory stories on every second page. Thriving completely on 'rumours' published as flash news, the magazine's disgusting features coupled with a 'moralistic' approach ('homosexuality is a fad that has descended from the West'; Simran and Koushal are 'ollikuchaans', and hence don't look good at all when paired opposite Vijaykaanth (see, they aren't blaming 50 plus Vijayakant's pot belly and bloated physique!)has earned it lot of adulation from the 'paamaran'.
It's only because of magazines like Tughlaq that there are some sane people still left in the state, desperately trying to balance the equation.
- From: Neels (@ ppp-203-197-9-129.bom.vsnl.net.in)
on: Wed Apr 5 03:34:50 EDT 2000
Oops! It should have been Koushalya, not Kaushal.
- From: chandy (@ ws025038.coba.siu.edu)
on: Wed Apr 5 13:40:26 EDT 2000
koushaylya-vai chellama kaushal-nu kppoidara pazhakam undO?? :-))
did u get my mail??
- From: Neels (@
on: Wed Apr 5 23:47:37 EDT 2000
No, that was a typo. Good try ;)
yes, got your mail. will reply today.
- From: rafiq (@ alproxy1.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Thu Apr 6 16:22:37 EDT 2000
As an aside, in the picture of the three MDs together, it is ARR who appears a bit haughty or maybe self-conscious. IR's face has a child like smile. I am really taken aback. I would have thought it would be the other way around. MSV looks like what he is, an old man :-)
- From: GINA (@ )
on: Thu May 24 09:06:01 EDT 2001
- From: raj (@
on: Thu May 31 09:11:58 EDT 2001
how ARRogant is he in the photo with the two Maestros,look at his smile,,,very very rude,,no respect at all for the music geniouses,,,,
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Fri Jun 1 12:54:07 EDT 2001
sariyaana loosu.
- From: Saravanan (@
on: Fri Jun 1 20:59:02 EDT 2001
I agree with raj. That's right, raj!
- From: kk (@
on: Sat Jun 2 14:41:10 EDT 2001
funny, thats not even a movie clip, just a clip how can you get the real mood out of it.
- From: Wah ! Wah ! (crying) (@
on: Sat Jun 2 15:24:06 EDT 2001
It's unfair to see IR in a sorry figure.
- From: vamban (@
on: Sat Jun 2 16:56:31 EDT 2001
that was not ARR at all, it was his dupe,
since he is busy, he has appointed couple look alikes, they cover for him when needed.
arr fooled you guys once again.
- From: Vijay (@
on: Sat Jun 2 19:56:34 EDT 2001
vamban: I think you saw a program on Adolf Hitler who tried to dupe himself to escape from the Russians.
- From: a (@ )
on: Wed Jun 13 01:27:27 EDT 2001
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