Topic started by Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at) on Tue Feb 24 21:18:19 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Thu Mar 5 09:22:18 EST 1998
The usual message, some more songs have been uploaded. Am planning to upload some carnatic music also (as examples for the classical pieces in each raga), but the ones I have are quite long, exceeding the standard time limit of 4 to 5 minutes. So that might take more time than I had anticipated. Moreover for some of the ragas like Mayamalawagowlai and Bavani I dont have any concert music :-(
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Ramki (@ cs517.cs.wmich.edu)
on: Fri Mar 6 11:38:02 EST 1998
Ramaswamy my reply to ur mail bounced back.I guess theres some problem with ur email ID??
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Sat Mar 7 13:27:34 EST 1998
More songs uploaded, in all the three categories. Hi!
Can I ask any of you people to encode songs which I dont have and mail them to me? I am thinking of some songs under Classical Ilaiyaraja - I have the space on my server, but not the cassettes. Please reply here or to my mail-id, if you can help me.
BTW, for some of the new songs, the song info is incomplete. Please check them and fill me in on the details.
- From: Hari (@ ts14-9.slip.uwo.ca)
on: Tue Mar 10 09:43:40 EST 1998
A correction:
The song from Guna is in the ragam "Pavani" and not "Bavani" as you indicate. This is important since according to the formula for computing the numbers for the melakarta ragas if it were Bhavani it would be assigned the number 44 and not 41 as it stands. BTW, Bhavani is actually a janya raga of the 44th mela Bhavapriya.
A suggestion:
If possible try to include the song "nanmai nalgum"from "ezhumalaiyan mahimai"a small time 1996 quasi-mythological film. This 3 odd minute song is in the ragam chandrajyothi, a derivative of Pavani that omits ni in both the ascent and descent. Both IR and SPB deserved a national award from this beautiful number. All songs in this movie are fabulous, this one more than the others...
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Tue Mar 10 10:42:18 EST 1998
Hari, thanks for the correction. I will rectify the mistake. I knew that chandrajyoti is closely relaed to pavani (I have the song 'bAgAyanayyA' with me), but dont have the song from 'ezhumalaiyan mahimai'. Could you identify the ragas for 'inangaLilE enna inam' and 'rAdha kAdhal varAdha'?
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Hari (@ ts13-16.slip.uwo.ca)
on: Tue Mar 10 11:21:54 EST 1998
Hi Ramaswamy,
I couldn't find the two songs in your web page. I am not sure I know these songs. I would have to hear them to attempt identification. (can't say I would be successful though!)
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Wed Mar 11 11:26:18 EST 1998
Hari, select http://www.m59.big.ac.at/~grama ('mudhal pakkam') and visit the page containing Golden Hits of other MDs. There are actually four pages containing the songs. I am also thinking of putting up some more pages containing Hits o SPB, Hits of KJY and then carnatic music alone. More work :-)
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Sat Mar 14 18:42:14 EST 1998
Well, it will take some time to put up the hits of SPB and hits of KJY pages. But in the meanwhile I have added more songs to the 'Other Classical' and 'Other Golden Hits' pages. And information about a lot of those songs is incomplete (movie, singers, MD). Fill me in on those info, if you know.
BTW, for some of the classical based songs, I have included original concert pieces.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Fri Mar 20 19:54:45 EST 1998
Some more songs of Ilaiyaraja have been uploaded again.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Mon Mar 30 15:56:40 EST 1998
Seems I am the only one posting here, but what the heck! :-)
I will be uploading some more songs - IR's compositions set to rare ragas (or should I say rarely used ragas) - in the next couple of days.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: vijay (@
on: Tue Mar 31 01:19:30 EST 1998
u'r collection is just looking great!continue the good work!
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Thu Apr 2 16:49:52 EST 1998
I have returned to the fold of Classical Ilaiyaraja :-)
Thanks to Mr.Hari Govindan of Canada, I have uploaded some more songs, all set to ragas rarely used even in concert music.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Rajaraman (@
on: Thu Apr 2 20:48:11 EST 1998
Ramaswamy G.,
Now that we have a separate links page, I guess you can post the updates there from now on. This is just to avoid every songs page maintainer starting a separate thread.
- From: Ramki (@ nas01ppp209.apts.wmich.edu)
on: Fri Apr 3 17:17:00 EST 1998
'manadhil enne ninaivugalo'-Poondhalir
'aadadha manamum undo'-Mannadhi mannan
'vanakkam pala murai sonnen'-Avan oru charithram
Btw Ilaiaraja composed a song very similar to 'manadhil enne ninaivugalo'for the telugu film Prema. Anand Milind then obediently reused the tune for the hindi version 'love'.That was the first song for Chitra in HFM and the song is 'saathiya tu ne kya kiya'
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ m42.m59.big.ac.at)
on: Sun Apr 5 16:53:15 EDT 1998
Thanks Ramki. Will update the info.
- From: Sathiya Keerthi (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg)
on: Sun Apr 5 20:48:51 EDT 1998
Ramaswamy G:
Seems I am the only one posting here, but what the heck!
Thaniyaa pulambuvadhu pOl irukku? Don't worry.
I think you have very nicely taken-off on IR
and Classical Music and doing a very
worthwhile contribution. Seeing your energy, I am
very sure that your page will grow very nicely.
I am also sure that lots of people are noting
what you are doing, but just don't have much to
say as addition. That's all.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Tue Apr 7 07:35:00 EDT 1998
Fantastic Work Ramaswamy and Hari.....The page is bringing me so much listening pleasure and the information is so useful....Thanks for your great efforts.....
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ ics3f.m.srv.t-online.de)
on: Tue Apr 7 17:08:46 EDT 1998
Thanks, Sathiya and Geetha. I would like to see the page grow too. (I have the space on the server, I guess I can squeeze in another 200 songs or so :-), but I want them to be the best).
The only problem is I am running out of songs. I am in Germany right now. I visited my favourite sri lankan music store yesterday, and that guy offered me just some new rot from deva and arr. No more old stuff :-( So if you would also like to share info/pleasure of music with others, you are welcome to send me cassettes.
Thanks. I will be updating the pages in another two weeks, till then I will be infesting Germany.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Ramki (@ nas01ppp194.apts.wmich.edu)
on: Sun Apr 12 01:12:53 EDT 1998
Ramaswamy i think the raagam for 'maniye manikodiye'is 'NataBhairavi'(There was a discussion on this song in singapore radio and the y even mentioned that this is the only tamil film song thats based on this raagam).
And also the 'thaiye mookambikai'song is not complete. The song has 4 charanams with MV and SJ singing the last two.
Thanks for the great collection of songs..im really happy to listen to 'thaiye mookambigai'and kovil pura songs
- From: Ramaswamy Gireesan (@ ics1f.m.srv.t-online.de)
on: Sun Apr 12 08:59:45 EDT 1998
Ramki, reg. 'maNiyE maNikkodiyE' Hari had exlained in the thread 'raga of the song' thread.
The song from thAi mUkAmbikai was uploaded as I had received it from Hari Govindan. Perhaps he might be able to send me the complete version.
G. Ramaswamy
- From: Balaji (@ )
on: Sun Jan 27 11:41:33 EST 2002
any idea what happened to Mr. gireesan's sites - he had a good collection.
Thanks, Balaji
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