Topic started by Prakash (@ node1.allegiance.net) on Fri Aug 28 14:48:10 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
TFM DFers,
I plan to be in Madras this winter, and will be carrying a huge list of songs that I have compiled from inputs of all of you fellow TFM DFers. I am interested to know which are the really good places in Madras where I can get quality recording done. I would also request you people to suggest me the best quality of media, other than CDs, what make and type of tape that I should use for quality recording.
Your inputs are surely welcome. Also, if anyone wants me to make any specific recordings, you are welcome to email me. I will make sure that I will get them done.
- Old responses
- From: Prakash (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Wed Sep 9 09:48:13 EDT 1998
Please also visit the old responses to this thread. Madhan has already mentioned Anudh audio. I am not discouraging you, but jus to mention to you that this shop has already been mentioned.
Is there anybody from Pallavaram, Chrompet, Tambaram side in this DF. Please also suggest some shops in that area that you know of. I had gone to one shop in Chrompet once a very very long time back, and he had done a great job then to the standards of those times(I am talking of probably 1985-86). Don't even know if that shop still exists in Radha Nagar, Chrompet.
Let us come with some more suggestions. And also once again, let us open the topic to other cities in Chennai.
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Wed Sep 9 13:50:59 EDT 1998
Sahana Musicals at Pazhavanthaangal, Chennai. Fiend of mine owns the place. Has some good old collections.
- From: Observer (@
on: Mon Sep 14 01:07:29 EDT 1998
Prakash, Muthax and others,
presently i am in india on a brief visit. I found in trichy that there are no problems in recording assorted songs of your choice from old movies. When i asked about the problems in Madras with respect to recording, he replied saying it is only for those who do copying of a brand new movie songs (all songs) from one cassette to another and selling. As for as trichy is concerned , there are no problems in recording songs. I have already given couple of cassettes for songs from 80's and 70's,60's movies. I donot have much time about other stories in india right now, as I got to go. (paying Rs. 90 per internet hour in a computer service shop)
see you all later
- From: JR (@ faraday.bfsec.bt.co.uk)
on: Mon Sep 14 04:23:58 EDT 1998
Observer :
Please tell me the shops in trichy where you had the songs recorded .
i am also from trichy ;-)
- From: Yogi (@ 60.newark-02.nj.dial-access.att.net)
on: Mon Sep 14 23:45:46 EDT 1998
Check out Music India at Adayar (next to Ananda Bhavan, Adayar signal).
I got my collection (http://www.yogi.net/SongOfTheWeek.html) recorded there...
- From: Observer (@
on: Thu Sep 17 02:56:34 EDT 1998
there are number of shops in super bazar and central bus stand areas where you can get assorted songs recorded. There is rythamboss opp central bus stand which looks like recording songs on CDs. I still have not visited , but I will before going back. Also there are plenty of small ones in our area SIMCO, Sundar Nagar (KK nagar) areas where i usually get them recorded. Though they are not of competitive quality, it serves my purpose for cassettes with songs from 60,70 and 80's.
- From: rad (@ )
on: Sat Oct 21 06:17:06 EDT 2000
i like to buy some vcd.s
where can i get,
i have no time to go and select.
so how can i get the list of VCDs(original)
first i select from the list.
- From: csg (@
on: Sat Oct 28 03:45:24 EDT 2000
this is not only for prakash but to all the tfm members when you are in chennai,please make a visit to a shop in adyar named sai tronics.I have done a couple of tamil recordings over there, the owner's name is a young guy called Raja.As he is the only person who is managing the whole shop you can get a clear and superb recording, the collection is also amazing i.e. from the 1950's to 2000.It is worht a visit to this shop
- From: Pankaj Handa (@ )
on: Wed Mar 19 09:18:29 EST 2003
Dear Parkash ji,
I am a residentof ludhiana city in Punjab.I once heard songs from the tamil movie "En Swasa Kaatre" on MTV and since then I wanted to have an audio casette of the songs of this movie.The movie featured Arvind Swamy and was released in Feb-99.However I am living in Punjab and you can hardly find any tamil audio shop there.I wish to Purchase an audio cassette of the songs of this movie.I intend to pay for it by sending a Demand Draft or any other mode of payment.Please advise whom to contact!!
- From: ganesan (@ )
on: Sun Jul 13 06:35:48 EDT 2003
can anyone tell me ,where i can get old tamil songs,rare from 1950's and 1960's,please?
- From: ganesan (@ )
on: Sun Jul 13 06:37:13 EDT 2003
can anyone tell me ,where i can get old tamil songs,rare from 1950's and 1960's,recorded,please?
- From: ganesan (@
on: Sun Jul 13 07:00:51 EDT 2003
nadakkadhu jambam palikkadhu yennai yaematri odave
mudiyathu -TMS/PS idhu endha padathille ?record irukka?yaravudhu please konjam sollunga.thank you
- From: Saravanan (@
on: Sun Jul 13 08:14:10 EDT 2003
ganesan- nadakkathu jambam palikkaadhu is from Manamaalai-1958. Music: Veda.
- From: Ravi (@
on: Mon Jul 14 00:06:49 EDT 2003
Rad, anytamil.com has several VCDs listed. Columbia Films also has a site somewhere, with a catalog IIRC.
- From: B. RAVINDRAN (@ )
on: Tue Oct 28 08:33:42 EST 2003
i wanted VCDs of spritual discourses by Swami Sukobananda and sadguru Jaggi Vasudev. In chennai where can i get?
Kindly inform me
thanking you
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Oct 29 12:53:30 EST 2003
i want vcds of 'Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee' where can i get it in chennai? :-)
- From: C~P (@
on: Thu Oct 30 11:35:52 EST 2003
video shops-la try panni paarunga...
i mean that VCD which u asked!
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Thu Oct 30 11:48:08 EST 2003
Thx C~P
but ive been hunting that for almost 2 yrs and not getting hold of an copy. cud only see clips frm some of the sites :-(
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