Topic started by dishkyoom (@ on Fri Sep 8 18:49:26 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
There was a TOP-TEN NOMINATION running before...and it had overwhelming support to ARR film music..for example Rhythm overtook IR's Bharathy in no time after it was released...
Now suddenly there appears another TOP_TEN rating which says IR's Bhrarathy is number one, although in a Good-Bad percentage vote..
I always felt that "newtfmpage admin's" manipulate votes when it comes to IR-ARR films and they always try to make IR films to get more votes..
I had never seen a rating that matches public opinion though..
I speak with a lot of people here and they all feel IR's Bharathy is a drub...
and here in newtfmpage its the number one..
wake up guys...
- From: Theva (@
on: Fri Sep 8 20:02:18 EDT 2000
I noticed the same.
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 8 20:09:28 EDT 2000
Theva & dish...the newtfmpage admins are mature enough not to have these number games as an important part of their daily agenda. You would do well to realise that the IR-ARR 'tussle' is not as important to the rest of the world as it is to YOU. dat's 'coz we have better things to do.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Fri Sep 8 21:31:58 EDT 2000
thozhaaa dish..... Barathy is a drub??? kindly follow all the reviews to Barathy - not the one in this forum - but in HINDU or any other sites and then tell this.....
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