Topic started by ram (@ on Tue Jan 8 00:08:45 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I'm an ardent fan of S.Janaki and I consider her to be most talented female singer ever...but of late age has caught up with her divine was and I feel that if she continues to sing then people will start forgetting the great renditions she has rendered and curse her like they do for Kapil dev T.M.Sounderrajan etc....
- Old responses
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 01:17:52 EST 2002
well said!!
- From: Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Jan 14 01:31:28 EST 2002
avr, is 'rAthOn kE sayE' from Annadaata (MD :Salil Choudhry) ? Thanks for reminding me of the song. 'kuchch dil nE kahA' from Anupama is a lesson in voice modulation, awesome singing. Great violin/flute pieces.
End Digression.
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:06:50 EST 2002
Naan Paadum Paadal - the 80s film that is considered to be SJ's opus...and then the O Maane Maane Maane from Vellai Roja, followed by Kadal Meengal (Thalatuthey Vaanam - duet with PJC?...Even that Mouna Ragam song,Chinna Chinna Vannakkuyil
Those were all Kadhavidukkil Maatikkonda Sundeli...
- From: AVR (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:20:38 EST 2002
True, raaton ke saaye ghane is from Annadata and is MDed by Salil Chaudhary.Its a class act by singer and MD alike!!! Salil songs for Lata were always extra-special. Have u tried "aaj koi nahin apna" and its Bengali version. (again by lata). The use of silence in this song is amazing!! And try another Bengali song "kene je kandao" - its by Lata from 1982 I think. Lovely song!!
Digression - Asha sounded classy in the 80s decade. I believe her 80s output is far superior to her Output in the 50s and 60s. Her voice became IMo more poignant in the 80s than it was earlier. Also in the 80s she had become a full-fledged ghazal singer. Umrao Jaan,Naqab,Meraj-e-ghazal, collab. with Parvez Mehndi, Dil Padosi Hai... fabulous songs!! Given all this, I always wonder why she got a National award for IJAAZAT - its such a mediocre album!!
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:27:38 EST 2002
Continuing AVR's digression: She got a national award for Umrao Jaan as well. Ijaazat is an album I am fond of - Choti Si Kahani Se, Katra Katra Behti Hai and Mera Kuchch Saaman...What's wrong with those songs? Asha has never been better...(In fact, Ijaazat was right on the heels of Dil Padosi Hai - same team - Gulzar/Asha/Rahul Dev, - and you can see that same quality in both albums.) Asha-Hariharan in an HMV album called "Reflections" - amazingly good. I can't find that album anywhere now...
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:29:41 EST 2002
ONLY SJ POSTINGS from me - from now on. Sorry for all these digressions. Manniyungallen!
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:35:46 EST 2002
continuing my digression again :-)
Yes, I was saying that her Umrao jaan NA is justified. Her Ijaazat was pretty poor IMHO. Lyrically, musically, even her singing. "mera kuchh saaman" appears to me as a dull,dry,drab poem. Its tune and those of "katra katra" are rather dry. Dont sound like ghazals at all. IMHO of course :-) Even in Dil padosi hai, I did not like many many songs. But "bheeni bheeni bhor" was great.
Talking of AB + HH - is it Reflections or is it Ab-shar-e-ghazal?? There was another one 3 years ago, but that was a bore ... asha sounded too aged in that. Her best ghazals album is of course with Ghulam Ali. "did dhadaknE.." and all others are TOP CLASS.
End digression :-)
Talking about voice-preservation, classical singers really take the cake. Naaz, just yesterday I had gone for a Pandit Jasraj recital, and he HONESTLY sounds better than he did 10 years ago. (He is 75 I think). MS Subbalaxmi was another one who has managed to preserve her voice really well. I guess, classical music is like "amrit" to some extent :-)
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:36:46 EST 2002
sorry!! I typed in my post before you posted that one. Yes, only SJ discussions please :-)
- From: Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:42:50 EST 2002
Avr, 'Aj kOi nahin apnA jisE gham .....tadap tadap kar....dil kartha hai mar jAEn' . Right ? Great song. Thanks once again.
Have you heard 'sandhyE..' (Malayalam) by SJ for Salil ? Typical Salil type counter melodies and an unpredictable melody flow. 80s were not her best but there were songs like 'pon vAnam panneer thoovuthu', 'vaidehi raman', 'poo mAlayE' etc. The most expressive lady voice I have heard in TFM, but now it expresses something else :).
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 02:47:43 EST 2002
The most expressive lady voice I have heard in TFM, but now it expresses something else :).
That feeling is called SADISM :-)
No Please give me a link - I have not heard SJs Mallu songs. I want to know more about her mallu songs for Salil C.
BTW what are "counter melodies"???
- From: Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Jan 14 03:45:16 EST 2002
Composers of the calibre of one ajlg, WC listeners like aruL in this forum can answer this question better, but I will give it a shot. Another thread of melody that seems to run alongside the main melody, traverses a different sequence of notes (plays out a different tune), but compliments the main melody is a counter melody. In IFM songs, it is most probably the violin that backs up the main melody. In the case of 'jA rE jA rE ud jA rE panchchi' in 'chchAya' by Salil, the sax (or some other wind instrument) provides this back-up in the stanzas. Check this out. There are quite a few Tamil songs from the times of G. Ramanathan that have this implemented. Check out the prelude of 'yEh rAth bheegi bheegi' from Chori Chori (SJ) for 2 (or more) different sets of violins playing out different melodies at the same time. Sebastian (SJ's assistant) was in charge of arrangement for most (probably all) SJ songs that had a pronounced usage of violins , like 'likhE jO khath thujhE', 'bhawrE ki gunjan' etc.
I will get back to you with appropriate links.
- From: Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Jan 14 03:53:27 EST 2002
Here goes.....
Listen to the first 2 songs too. This movie was remade or dubbed into tamil as 'paruvamazhai'.
For the list of Salil movies
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 12:05:29 EST 2002
ja re ud ja re pachhi is from Maya not Chhaya :-)
- From: unbiased (@
on: Mon Jan 14 14:44:11 EST 2002
AVR: Do you own this forum? It seems that you cannot digest someone's statements. Your comments on other guys who voice thier opinions seems very immature to me. You have ORDERED me to stop calling people, seems dictatorial. Are you asking me to stop voicing my opinions, bcoz you cannot tolerate them? No one is here to contest a statememnt made by a another person
Please refrain from bullying people. I have seen you doing that before to others. This a public forum where anyone is free to write his pieces. Until now I was of the opinion that guys here are more matured..but it looks like there are exceptions. You may think you are authoritative on movie history, singers and blah...blah....
Have a little humility fella....
- From: unbiased (@
on: Mon Jan 14 14:57:31 EST 2002
AVR: Read someone' piece or posting verbatim and digest them before you shoot your mouth. Little knowledge is very dangerous and you seem to be following that path.
One advice: Try to embrace people's ideas and views, because, everyone of those will make sense when you put them together. None is here to impress people with their viewpoints (may be you are). Everyone wants to share his/her little piece of information with the forum . Thats all. You seem to be making this a war zone intimidating people because you dont agree with them on what they say or write.
I feel beleagured and quite annoyed, as to even venturing into this type of a forum again. Hope the more matured ones will follow suit.
- From: Unbiased (@
on: Mon Jan 14 15:04:28 EST 2002
Good Bye All. Nice knowing each one of you. Specially Naaz..you are wonderful...
- From: Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Jan 14 16:04:04 EST 2002
Avr, ofcourse that is what I meant :))
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Jan 14 16:27:20 EST 2002
Unbiased - I am interested in reading some of your jazz reviews/critiques...Please let me know if there is a link, or how I might be able to reach you...Or, better still you can email me at naaz99@yahoo.com - if you choose. I am an avid jazz listener...so do be in touch.
Thanks and good luck. I will miss your views/take on TFM, for sure!
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 23:31:52 EST 2002
I am not bullying anyone here at all :-)
I am also not asking you to stop voicing your opinions :-)
Neither am I being authoritative. It was only a serious statement on LM which u made, that I am objecting to :-)
There is no need to be so emotional.
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Jan 14 23:34:04 EST 2002
Thanks for the links. Coudl u post mor SJ Mallu songs. else email them to me. U have my address I think
Thanks a lot!
- From: moitrayee chatterjee (@ )
on: Mon Aug 18 07:43:15 EDT 2003
i am a die hard fan of mr.hariharan. i love his ghazals very very very very much.
- From: Anjali (@ )
on: Wed Sep 15 22:15:24 EDT 2004
All JanakiAmma fans are cordially invited to join JanakiAmma's (unofficial) fan-group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SJanaki
Any questions about the group? I'll be glad to answer.
Warm regards,
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