Topic started by @ (@ on Fri Jul 4 08:03:47 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: (@
on: Sat Jul 26 21:24:26 EDT 2003
YSR the No.1 MD
- From: RAJASEKAR (@
on: Thu Jul 31 01:47:55 EDT 2003
what a film? the film is refreshing from tamil cinema point of view. music is melodius.
thanush acting is sperb
- From: Sharmi (@
on: Thu Jul 31 02:46:13 EDT 2003
A small interview with Selvaraghavan.
- From: N Teja (@
on: Thu Jul 31 02:51:26 EDT 2003
you are the only one who dosent believe that boys is selling like hot cakes. i can believe someone is actually still syaing such a thing. check this out http://sify.com/entertainment/movies/tamil/fullstory.php?id=13208728 "ARR revives the music industry" - so when YSR and VS very supposedly "ruling" the industry, the sales were so low that it was considered a slump. "Suddenly Boys has become the largest selling cassette in the last two years and may change the fortunes of the music industry" - also from the article this shows that in the last 2 years the "big" hits from these directors were selling as much as boys... and if you still think that boys is not selling fast.... i cant help but smile at your ignorance. robin, it is not enough to just state something, where is the proof for your statements? N Teja
- From: x (@
on: Thu Jul 31 03:46:26 EDT 2003
N Teja
- From: Ram (@
on: Fri Aug 1 02:23:34 EDT 2003
We have seen pictures of Harish Ragavendra's future wife and heard details of when the wedding is.When will we be hearing about YSR's marriage and seeing a picture of his future wife?
- From: venky (@
on: Fri Aug 1 04:28:56 EDT 2003
Kadhal Konden is being sent for the national awards next year!
- From: MADDY (@
on: Fri Aug 1 07:32:08 EDT 2003
hahaha kadhal kondein for NA?? yaa they might get it if the panelist is "sex-maniac"... best of luck for it's music anyway.....
hello it is a fact that Boys is a super hit in Tamil and Telugu...i personally went and asked around 25-30 music shops in chennai and they told me very sadly that Boys is doing well...(all bloody music shop owners are IR-fans and his family chamchas, they go ll out in convincing u to buy a IR or YSR album... cheap F**ks)
- From: Nattamai (@
on: Fri Aug 1 10:05:18 EDT 2003
I think KK does not have that much sexual content compared to Karnataka's star Ravichandran's songs. I donot understand how people watch them with families. And you are complaining about KK? God save you, buddy!
i personally went and asked around 25-30 music shops in chennai and they told me very sadly that Boys is doing well...
You have been doing good job, boy! keep it up! And tell to atleast 100 people that ARR is god so that atleast one buy ARR's albums.
- From: MADDY (@
on: Fri Aug 1 15:22:49 EDT 2003
y shuld i tell ppl. that ARR is the best.... i'm not a ARR-convertor...even if i'm one, jaya ma'm has anti-conversion law.........
it is my hobby to move around the city and enquire ARR's album's progress..... i felt i had to share it with u guys... is there anything wrong ??? anyway if u tell that IR is god to 1000 ppl.. then one will slap u on the face and others will just ignore u.....
(hey this is all for fun.... pls dunt take it seriously...)
- From: p (@
on: Fri Aug 1 16:53:51 EDT 2003
Does the Audio CD of kAthal koNdEn have the 3-4 short/bit songs that come in the movie?
Those bit songs are nice and catchy...
- From: xml (@
on: Fri Aug 1 20:21:40 EDT 2003
Maddy and whoever,
You can fill up this page, nothing to do with the fact.
Read about KK
YSR is the No.1 MD :
Selvaragavan is the No.1 director in the film industry :
KK is going to get the national award :
What are you going to do now. As usual fill up this page with your post followed by your friends sirini,varsa,V etc...
- From: MADDY (@
on: Fri Aug 1 22:26:18 EDT 2003
hey man i better move out of this page with wishing YSR all the best and praying for mental health of selvarghavan.....YSR is my 2nd fav.(after ARR) and hope it never changes....
- From: Nattamai (@
on: Sat Aug 2 04:18:23 EDT 2003
hey man i better move out of this page
You are following the footsteps of ARR, just like he is moving out of TFM
- From: Robin (@
on: Sat Aug 2 05:36:49 EDT 2003
N. Teja,
Please refer the Hot Topic page of the largest selling tamil magazine Kumudam (two weeks back). The heading is ' 6 lakhs to 60 thousand'. In that article, it is clearly written, ARR is seeling power is after Vidayasagar and YSR. This is the proof for my statement. And one more thing - I am working in Riyadh. If any ARR album realeased two years back, it will be released here also in the same day and the sales will be supurb. Now, the Boys audit was released a week back only. Movies like Alli Arjuna/ Paarthalae paravasam / Parasuram were not released at all. Kaatha Virus was utter flop. Baba gets Rajini fans to get it. Facts are very clear. But people like u, still believe in the old magic. In this modern trend, a computer-based musician like ARR are plenty. I can assure Gandhidasan music director of Kummalam can give much better music of ARR. D. Iman /Harris Jeyaraj/ Karthik Raja... the list is big. At this moment, it is good for ARR not to come into TFM, because he will be outdated by all these young chaps. It is very clearly proved by the continuous flops from ARR. I think, this is the reason why he is not willing to sign more contracts in Tamil( May be he is not given chance?)
- From: MADDY (@
on: Sat Aug 2 07:24:19 EDT 2003
hey robin that was the situation b4 2-3 weeks... rite now Boys is the no.1 seeling album.... for KK, movie has released so i's sales will increase but Boys b4 the movie's release it has touched KK's heights..... ur so called young MDs follow ARR's trend and they have not yet created a trend of their own like IR and ARR....
anyway if ARR is gone then IR is dead and buried...... dunt forget it...
also nattamai , i always feel that TN is not the place for ARR .. i dunt know wen he will understand this...... he needs to come to Mumbai and see the response his albums get....
- From: CURIOUS (@
on: Sat Aug 2 09:52:38 EDT 2003
- From: Yar_fan (@
on: Sat Aug 2 17:52:12 EDT 2003
KK the No.1 movie
- From: Ysr_fan (@
on: Sat Aug 2 17:52:19 EDT 2003
KK the No.1 movie
- From: (@
on: Tue Aug 5 23:07:53 EDT 2003
- From: Venky (@
on: Thu Aug 7 03:24:49 EDT 2003
A new interview with KasthuriRaja and his sons at www.kumudam.com
- From: narayan (@
on: Tue Aug 12 02:28:34 EDT 2003
excellent expressive songs in k konden
- From: Dandanaka (@
on: Sat Aug 16 13:29:05 EDT 2003
The BGM for kadhal konden has been heavily inspired by the song "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams.
- From: Dandanaka (@
on: Sat Aug 16 13:29:38 EDT 2003
I meant from the Song "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams
- From: Venky (@
on: Sat Aug 16 14:46:55 EDT 2003
Dandanak, there is no similarity at all in the BGM with that song. I think you should listen to the Bryan Adams song carefully!
- From: xml (@
on: Sat Aug 16 20:11:01 EDT 2003
Danush has a bright future after KK
- From: Dandanaka (@
on: Sat Aug 16 21:44:29 EDT 2003
I am sure there is a similarity....i am not kidding :) and btw i am huge YSR fan too :))
- From: Dominic (@
on: Sun Aug 17 02:52:53 EDT 2003
There is a slight resemblance, but not very close.
For BGMs and bit songs from Kadhal Kondaen visit
- From: Venky (@
on: Sun Aug 17 02:59:20 EDT 2003
A really nice interview by Selvaraghavan and he praises Yuvan.
- From: ps (@
on: Sun Aug 17 12:40:50 EDT 2003
Venky: I too got reminded of the song, "where ever you go, wht ever you do.." at places in Kadhal konden's BGM. ;) Nevertheless, Yuvan has done a great jon in BGM departmet and songs as well [nenjOdu kalandhidu is awesome #!]
- From: rajes (@
on: Tue Aug 19 02:31:57 EDT 2003
for me kk is the best image of youngsters of today.it tell us that youngsters are not in control nowdays.all are running for love without realizing that love is only a part of life n it is not our whole life.
- From: rajes (@
on: Tue Aug 19 02:32:12 EDT 2003
for me kk is the best image of youngsters of today.it tell us that youngsters are not in control nowdays.all are running for love without realizing that love is only a part of life n it is not our whole life.
- From: Thaddshayini (@
on: Tue Aug 19 15:55:59 EDT 2003
The sweetest film ever i love the story and the songs mostly thootu thootu poohem thndral.
i also love the way Thanush acts and dances.
- From: yuvanshankarfans (@
on: Tue Aug 19 20:14:01 EDT 2003
Check out for the CD quality songs from the Album "THE BLAST" at http://www.coolgoose.com/go/music?user=yuvanshankarfans&go=1
For the Song Details visit
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yuvanshankarfans (Files Section)
- From: VimalKirti (@ )
on: Sun Sep 7 13:04:02 EDT 2003
Wow, one hell of an Editing. Apart from te director the Editor Ragunath have done a great job. He made the movie lively. COngrats! Ragu.
- From: OBSERVER (@
on: Mon Sep 8 03:00:31 EDT 2003
How come MADDY can go around swearing in vulgarity?
Why is that the matha farkers from ARR camp find it disgusting when others use vulgarity but not when MADMAN(boy/gal/eunuch?) MADDY use it?
- From: Nattamai (@
on: Mon Sep 8 03:37:54 EDT 2003
kalachuvadu has come up with the review of KK in the september issue. I will write few lines from it later.
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