Topic started by Kiran (@ on Mon Apr 29 20:59:21 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
We all should learn from raaja how to fight back and never give up....just see after such a big blow from AR Rahman ...had it been any other MD he would have left music....even AR himself ....But our raja has spirits of wild fire...we cannot say if he again over powers AR Rahman ...already he is bavk to form !!So moral of the story is one must have constructive EGO like raaja !! what do u say guys??
- From: raguraam (@
on: Tue Apr 30 00:01:05 EDT 2002
IR is still great mD why dobut about it, if people frrl only commercial success a hit they have to learn something more, he is a better mood creator than any md in the world, he is the only md from india who can be compared with the likes of any great in the world,his Yaatra moozhi (malayalam), guru (malayalam), kadhalukku mariyadhaii, engayao keeta kural are something specail
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Apr 30 02:35:02 EDT 2002
"after such a big blow from AR Rahman"
I dont get it kiran...what do u mean big blow from ARR?? IR was around for more than 20 years (26 to be precise?) before the advent of ARR in TFM. ARR has since only completed about 50 Tamil movies. Whereas IR has done about 750(?) films, mostly Tamil (15 times as many). When ARR came into the scene in 1992, IR was only 49 years old. This can be hardly considered the retirement age for a musician. In fact many wud consider this age as the peak of one's career.
Even after ARR came into the picture, existing musicians like Deva have been thriving very well. Even newcomers are doing pretty well. So how can you conclude ARR gave a big blow to IR?
You could be talking about
1) IR's commercial success
2) IR's creative abilities and talents as a musician.
3) The recognition given to IR as the no. 1 MD in TFM prior to the entry of ARR.
If it is no1, then ARR can be hardly accused of stealing the show since he works on such a small number of projects each year, it leaves alot of opportunities for other MDs (including IR).
If it is no2, that doesnt make sense at all. Talent is an intrinsic quality and external factors like how other MDs are faring should not have any effect on real talent. Again, ARR could not have given any blow to IR in this area.
If it is no3, then I guess IR is no longer in the no1 MD position...So recognition-wise he may have lost out to ARR. However, he has accomplished alot for a musician and I would be surprised if he is trying to recover that no 1 spot. In fact, judging from the kind of assignments he chooses, I wud think that being the no1 MD again is the least of his priorities. SO the question is, fighting back in what way?
"already he is bavk to form"
u mean he was not in form all this while?
I wonder what hell wud have broken loose by now, if a non-IR Fan had started this thread.
- From: S (@
on: Tue Apr 30 04:13:17 EDT 2002
>>what hell wud have broken loose by now<<
u've shown the way, Whynot... :-)
- From: Kiran (@
on: Tue Apr 30 04:21:32 EDT 2002
ofcourse a big blow...imagine if u r most famous and respected in ur work place and some new person (no matter how he is working )has become lot more famous and recognized (not even near comparison )dont u feel stressed ??.....what happened to MSV and KV ?? they got big blow from IR...and they lost the race ...but IR still giving hits and still is potential threat to AR ....(I am talking regarding commercially....)...I am not talking about capabilities , talent or whatever...just importance ..the position which has a lot of affect on the mental status !!
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Apr 30 04:27:07 EDT 2002
looks like i got my maths wrong. 26 years is for the present. It must have been
"IR was around for 16 years (in TFM) before the advent of ARR in TFM."
hope i got tat right. pls correct otherwise.
S, very funny. :-)
Kiran, in what way do u feel IR is a threat to ARR or vice-versa? Can u please elaborate with examples, so I can understand your point?
Whether IR was stressed out by ARR or otherwise is in your own imagination. You do not have any evidence (if you do, please share it with us).
- From: Vj (@
on: Thu May 2 06:05:13 EDT 2002
If IR gives up, its one of the biggest loss for Mucis fans. It shdnt happen in the near future. Nowadays, IR is concentrating on story-oriented subjects where there is tremendous scope for BG and thats a good move, leaving all the crap movies to other MDs.
IMO, ARR shd also refrain doing movies for guys like Praveenkanth.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Thu May 2 09:55:26 EDT 2002
Just curious...
Is this perceived threat/blow from ARR to IR and vice-versa the reason why IR Fans often have the constant need to denounce other MDs (esp ARR)?
Vj, I feel that ARR shud start linearising the assignments he takes when he reaches the same stage of his career as IR. AT the moment I think he should continue to do more commercial movies as well, while balancing it wit a few artistic ones now and then.
- From: Vj (@
on: Sat May 4 06:48:44 EDT 2002
IR or ARR or whoever it maybe, talent shd not be wasted... IMO. Earlier days, you gotta give trash songs to gain popularity, but now that they've got tremendous popularity and a fan/cult following, they shd hv people come to THEIR way and not ALWAYS give what people want... a front-bencher is never satisfied with a "mala mala or o podu".. he'll start dancing for any song thats a crap....we cant help that..but that doesnt mean that an IR or ARR shd give the song of that type to be in business....they're notches above the rest... so why waste talent doing the same-old-love songs , hero-glorifying songs, dappanguthu songs etc etc...? its nice to note that IR has already doing it, i mean, stopped accepting run-of-the-mill stuffs (but u cant help it if a movie of "Azhagi"'s calibre has a song like "kumari ponnu")... ARR shd do it very soon, hopefully.
if you are best, only the best is expected from you.
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sat May 4 09:53:42 EDT 2002
Best is subjective. You may be passionate of "oliyile therivathu" another fan may love Malai malai. I don't see any thing wrong with either.
A successful song is a successful song. If O podu & malai malai are so easy, why aren't there many of such hugely successful songs.
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