Topic started by Nazir (@ on Mon Oct 14 12:31:34 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Why is sadhana the most sought after female singer in TFM? She has become a household singer in Raja and his sons albums. Almost every album of IR,KR and YSR has atleast one song by her.
ARR has avoided her in his past 3 albums(KM,baba and KV) and even when he used her voice, he gave only one song in an album.
Looks like IR and co are infatuated with her voice.
Thangarbachan said in his interview that all the technicians in his next 'solla marandha kathai' are tamilians. I read in dinamalar SS has sung 2 songs in this film. IS she a 'tamil' singer now?
- Old responses
- From: Ravi (@
on: Mon Jun 9 15:10:33 EDT 2003
Ivan, yours remarks are fabulous and to the point. I fully agree with your views. One cannot really blame the singers as they arent fully aware of the pronounciation but I guess its difficult for people with strong Hindi diction to sing Tamizh properly without learning the language.
- From: Om (@
on: Mon Jun 9 16:50:30 EDT 2003
What is wrong if she pronounces a few tamil words wrong? Does it make her a less talented singer? I dont think so. Music has a language of its own. Agreed, chitra/sujata can sing the same songs with perfect pronunciations, but can you imagine vennilave or snehithane sung by anyone other than sadhana sargam?
I feel that SS is improving with every song she sings in tamil. Her nuances and slight mispronunciations adds an element of sweetness in her songs. Enjoy it while she has not mastered tamil :-)
In summing up, Sadhana Sargam has one of the sweetest voice in india today. The music directors know it, thats y they are using her voice, and the fans know it, thats y they adore her. Simple!!!
- From: Ivan (@
on: Wed Jun 11 13:02:38 EDT 2003
Music certainly has a language of its own. But a song is not just music alone. It's a blend of music and lyrics. Maybe if Sadhana is given only a humming part in the whole song I can agree she sounds sweet. And for God's sake, she certainly does more than pronounce a FEW words wrong...she literally chews and spits on the whole song. Her mispronunciations are being taken as adorable....that's the plight of TFM today...Even a baby goo-goos are cute, but can you make a baby give a lecture in an international seminar?
I once again agree Sadhana has one of the sweetest voices today....what I'm saying is that she should stick to just Hindi where she has given such great songs.....and spare us purist Tamil music lovers who still give importance to diction.
- From: Om (@
on: Wed Jun 11 14:16:48 EDT 2003
Going by your logic, hereafter SPB, mano, karthik, chitra,etc. should stop singing hindi songs. Coz, even they chew and spit hindi words.
And if only singers who have 'perfection' in their diction of tamil can sing tamil songs, there will be very few singers left in tfm... All I am saying is that for everyone there is a different learning curve. If SPB took 20 movies to sing tamil songs without a telugu accent, probably it will take SS 50 movies. Give her some time and she will improve. Enjoy her goo-goos in the meantime :-)
- From: raj (@
on: Wed Jun 11 15:42:22 EDT 2003
compare to What sadhana does to tamil other people doesnt do much to hindi
- From: Ivan (@
on: Fri Jun 13 00:50:52 EDT 2003
I totally agree that SPB, Mano......why even Yesudas of yesteryear....shouldn't sing in Hindi because their accent is very Tamil-ish.
My point is...everyone should do what they do best.
Till then, I hope I have the capacity to tolerate Sadhana singing 50 films to "improve" her diction!! :-D
I couldn't wait till SPB improved his Hindi (which he still hasnt) And now, we have people like Udit, Devan, Sukhwinder doing disservice to Tamil and Telugu songs..hmm
- From: sam (@
on: Fri Jun 13 01:06:40 EDT 2003
She is so popular because once upon a time she sung "Mae se, maena se, na saaqi se, -- na paemaane se..."
- From: sam (@
on: Fri Jun 13 01:07:02 EDT 2003
She is so popular because once upon a time she sung "Mae se, maena se, na saaqi se, -- na paemaane se..."
- From: av (@ )
on: Tue Jun 24 22:58:43 EDT 2003
check out the results of the latest poll. 70% of the people who voted feels SS deserves the popularity she has got in TFM (out of over 500 voters).
- From: Hendry G (@ )
on: Wed Sep 10 02:12:39 EDT 2003
Hi dears frens...
Sadhana has a wonderful voice, listen to her songs and there is no point complaining about her tamil pronounciation. You all should know that she as so much improve in tamil songs... most of the poople complain about the kuchi kuchi paravaigaleh... the pronounciation really out... but I think its ok, the way she pronounce the words make the songs a bit different... Its better then you listen to a tamil songs with half of the lyric in english.. do you love that or to listen to full tamil songs...!!! listen to diwana diwana, july malargeleh..., shayo shayo... poovai.
- From: s.g.krishnan (@
on: Mon Sep 15 11:45:05 EDT 2003
ss has a sweet voice and without doubt a fabulous singer. those complaining should realise the fact that english language pronounced by tamilians is not at all perfect. i should say they are killing the language hence can i now ask all tamililians stop learning english !
- From: Swaps (@
on: Mon Sep 15 14:13:31 EDT 2003
Sadhana deserves all the credit! She's a fabulous singer but very under-utilised in the Hindi film Industry. After Alka Yagnik & Kavita K. she was completely ignored by all top composers. There was a time when composers like Rajesh Roshan or Anand-Milind or even Anu Malik would give her an entire film album. But then times changed. Until Rahman rediscovered her talent. Its said that ARR heard her "Pehla nasha" from Jo jeeta...& was highly impressed. He gave her the break in Shankar's "Hindustani" in the song "kashtiyaan...". After that she became a regular in his albums like Sapnay, 1947 Earth, Love You Hamesha, Jeans, etc. But the real break was when he gave her to sing Tamil songs. The best one was the highly negelected one "Nenje nenje" from Ratchagan with Yesudas. It was a brilliant song. Actually, Hariharan introduced Sadhana to MD Vidyasagar to sing in Tamil. Since then, she's never looked back! She's one of the sweetest voices after Lataji.
Agreed, that she messes up some pronounciations but one cannot imagine those songs without her. Today she's a regular with ARR, IR, Vidyasagar, sometimes with Deva & Barthwaj too. She's also won the National Award for "Pattu cholli" from "Azhagi". Now by doing that, I dont think the jury is dumb! She deserves much more than that.
My favourites go on:
*Snegidhane, Anbe idhu nijamdaana, Swasame, Konjum mainakkale, Udhaya, Boom boom, Vennilave, Nenje nenje, Banno rani, Ajooba, Gupchup baatein, Mil hi gaye, Azhage sugama (with ARR)
* Vaanvile, Pattu cholli, amny more (with IR)
* Poovasam, Kadhal vandhathu, Panikatre, etc (with VS)
To sum it up...she's great!
- From: raj (@
on: Wed Sep 17 03:39:34 EDT 2003
her Tamil Pronounciation is still bad
hear the july malargale .. alagan, uli ..
there are plenty of Tamil talents not utilized properly
SS,Udit can render one or 2 songs ..
- From: virav (@ )
on: Sun Nov 2 22:40:09 EST 2003
As a trained classical musician and a non tamilian who is addicted to Tamil music I wd say Sadhana is amongst the top 5 or 10 % (by overall quality) of Tamil film singers of the present generation.
And as far as live performances I think she is in the top 2 % of all classes of singers.
She is clearly the best, in my view. I dont care what others think.(Though I do suspect that Lataji also has that scary feeling sometime... am I right?)
May she live long and continue to give us songs of bliss and sheer ecstasy !
- From: raj (@
on: Mon Nov 3 02:16:03 EST 2003
Sadhana had killed many Tamil Songs which would have been netter by Chitra,Sujatha
What to Say .. It is the Fate of TFm to hear these voices (SS,UDit,Sukwinder... Presently lot more of this sort is in the queue?
Oh GOD Save TFM ..
- From: Ravi (@
on: Mon Nov 3 05:56:33 EST 2003
For those defending SS : These is no second opinion about her talent, voice and the depth in her rendition. Why? Sandhna Sargam and Udit are two of my most fav. singers but when it comes to singing Tamizh - sorry! A person who knows Tamizh very well would be able to understand the way they sing Tamizh. Well PS, KSChithra did not know Tamizh initially too but their rendition were flawless. Again, when we have such great singers with great diction, what is the need to opt for such singers??
- From: Lord LabakuDas (@
on: Mon Nov 3 06:14:41 EST 2003
south indians(telugu,kannada and mallu's) can learn and speak tamil fast than northies...i know a north indian family who has settled in chennai for more than 20 yrs but still speak accented tamil.whereas my telegu friends can speak perfect tamil.so no point in criticizing hindi singers for not learning tamil as fast as PS or SPB or KSC did.its the property of language.
- From: Ravi (@
on: Mon Nov 3 08:31:06 EST 2003
Exactly LLD!! Infact I mentioned the same in one some other thread too. Maybe most sylables are common (in the way of pronouncing) amongst the Dravidian languages. So when people who are used to speaking Hindi (with no exposure to South Indian languages), I guess, cannot pick them up to their best. But maybe people who grow up can master both.
- From: raj (@
on: Mon Nov 3 22:50:16 EST 2003
LLD, It is not Critisizing.. It's the Fact which we are talking about..
Do u mean to say there are no singers to sing in tamil Perfectly .. There are plenty & MD's can use them instead of using SS,UN,SUKSingh etc..
& nowadays SS flies from mumbai to Chennai only if 3 songs are there for her.. ???
for that reason(instead of giving 3 songs to her) they can very well avoid her
- From: abdul razzaque (@ )
on: Wed Mar 17 10:33:15 EST 2004
sadhana sargam has pure bliss in her voice.People should go to the depth of her voice and discover the 'sweetest honey for ears'.As for critics they can only find faults. -Abdul Razzaque, Bangladesh.
- From: Dorai (@
on: Wed Mar 17 11:21:37 EST 2004
Yes, She does have pure bliss in her voice. IR and ARR made the best use of her so far.
- From: lollu (@
on: Fri Mar 19 11:04:59 EST 2004
nothing special,she is famous because she's a north-indian because tamilians praise people just because they're from north-india.
- From: Aiiyo !!!! (@
on: Mon Mar 22 04:18:56 EST 2004
Guys pls listen to Motte Galley in Roja Kuutam in 2nd Charanam !!!! Aiyoo its horrible !!! She can't go high pitch at all !! I don't know y some people can say her voice is sweet !! Pronounciation is very important mah !!! How come u can forgive that !!! Lately Her perfomance was very bad at ARR show in Malaysia few mts ago!! .....Mmmmmm Tamillan Ode Talai Vidhi !!!Have to listen to this kind of voice !!!
- From: pradeep (@ )
on: Thu Jun 3 14:08:09 EDT 2004
I ha ve heard all the response but being a music fan and a carnatic singer for thirty years i feel sadhana sargam has a beautiful voice ,snehidhane would have not sounded so good if anybody else had sung it great talent
- From: curses (@
on: Thu Jun 3 23:35:06 EDT 2004
How's this for an argument..
Sadhana Sargam shouldn't sing in Tamil if she's doing playback for a tamilspeaking heroine. :)
Indha hindi actresses-ku (w/ their sugary voice overs..) SS pronunciation's more than enuf!
Summa Naradhar velai paarkalaam nenachen :) Sorry!
- From: Kum (@
on: Fri Jun 4 00:28:10 EDT 2004
Naradhar theriyum, Yaarathu 'Summa Naradhar'?! Avaroda Mrs. pera?
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