Topic started by Ravi Krishna (@ starwars.informix.com) on Thu Aug 14 14:30:29 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- From: Ravi Krishna (@ starwars.informix.com)
on: Thu Aug 14 14:38:28 EDT 1997
First this discussion forum is one of the best I have seen in internet. Very very knowledgable folks , I must say. However I have noticed that
(not only here but also in TN) that IR fans
hate ARR. Why? Is there a law that IR fans have
to hate ARR. The only reason I can think of is
that IR fans just can't digest the success of ARR, moreso because he dethroned IR from the top position which he held for so long. I too was
guilty of it initially when I was very sceptical and cynical regarding ARR. Later on I accepted the reality that no one can continue for ever. IR had his day and it is time for someone else to take over. There is no doubt that ARR brought TFM to an abrupt change. The recording , tonal quality of TFM was brought to international level
by ARR. The public were just tired of IR's grammer.
What I want to say is that one can continue to be a great fan(atic) of IR , but can also appreciate ARRs music , which incidentally is never in the same class like IR , though otherwise good.
- From: pg (@ client-116-33.bellatlantic.net)
on: Thu Aug 14 22:19:24 EDT 1997
I can't speak for everybody, I will speak for myself.
I am a hardcore IR fan but I also listen to ARR's music. ARR is probably better than most other composers in the business (except you-know-who). I also accept that IR has no chance of regaining his once-lofty position in the film industry. (Outside the industry is another matter). But for people who want music other than fast dance tracks, who want meaningful music IR is always there.
Now why I love to hate ARR's music :
1. ARR is IMO a definitely inferior-composer than IR (for whom there is no comparison and who has proved himself over and over).
2. ARR's inferior songs scored for idiotic movies have buried much better IR's songs. (Check "IR's songs after ARR's entry" thread). Movies like Bombay, Kaadhalan, Indian were huge hits but were IMO trashy. (Except for Telephone Manipol - which anyway had junk lyrics).
3. I remember an article India Today (Tamil Edition) which had an article on IR just about the time Pudhiya Mugam and Gentleman was released. India Today had gloated about the dethroning of IR, about how all the big directors had deserted IR and how ARR was the choice for all big directors. But IR need not worry-since ARR was so picky about his movies, IR would have the movies turned-down by ARR. I never understood what problem IR had with India Today but India Today has never had a +ve article about IR.
But all this against ARR will not reduce my following feelings about IR :
IR has such a humoungous ego (which I should say is totally out of character if you read his book 'Vetta veLidhanil kotti kidakkudhu' and how spirutual he is supposed to be).
What the hell is IR still doing in the film industry churning out tunes for idiotic lyrics and even more idiotic movies ? He has achieved all there is film industry. After 20 years money should be no problem. (Anyway his sons are earning now). Accept two or three films a year (like Devathai/Avathaaram/Gura/Yaathraa Mozhi) etc and concentrate on non-filmy music. I personally would like him to compose music for Tamil Literature - Kutraalak Kuravanji/Thevaaram etc. (Another of my secret wishes is that IR should score music for an opera of the likes of The Magic Flute in Tamil. IR should probably work with Koothu PattaRai - KaNNappa Thambiran and others for live music).
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tn03.proxy.aol.com)
on: Thu Aug 14 22:38:56 EDT 1997
Ravi Krishna:
As a loyal TKR-MSV/MSV fan who also apreciates selective works of IR, ARR & others, I cannot answer your question. Actually, it would be in my best interests to keep out of this.
But, in the interests of fairness and as a student of human nature, I'd like to ask you the following very general questions:
1. Do you actually know that your statement "IR fans hate ARR" to be a majority-based fact? Or, is it your perception based on negative emotions expressed by a very vocal but small minority? "Hate" is a strong word--we are talking about movie songs here, not world peace.
2. If indeed your statement is true and the IR fans are indeed in a state of deep psychological denial, do you expect them to recognize it based on an emotional discussion here? That type of a realization, if it has to happen, is personal, takes time, and cannot be forced by an outsider.
As you have said, this is an excellent forum with a lot of knowledeable folks. But all of us have our own biases, tastes and loyalties(!), and some of us do get carried away sometimes and make sweeping statements,for and against. My personal opinion is that we can talk about one artist's greatness without demeaning the others' contributions, and still maintain a critical perspective. Could we ignore the sweeping negatives, focus on the positives, and get on with our great discussions and have fun?
(You don't have to respond to this. This is a point-of-view from a person who is an outsider to the issue.)
- From: pg (@ client-116-33.bellatlantic.net)
on: Thu Aug 14 22:53:23 EDT 1997
Yup, Kanchana is right. No more ARR bashing for me.
- From: Aravind (@
on: Fri Aug 15 00:30:28 EDT 1997
Hi Ravikrishna
First of all. I will not accept that IR has been thrown out of No.1 slot. It cannot be done. Your statement may be commercially true but IR fans in this page, I am sure, are fans not because of his commercial success. I am an ardent fan of Kamal though he is commercially a failure most times. None of IR's REAL fans admire him for his commercial success. So we still think that he is No.1. Only when somebody gives more quality music (impossible), at a faster rate (more impossible) and for a longer period (most imposible), will I consider IR as overthrown. I am sure same is the case with many IR fans.
As an IR fanatic, I do not hate ARR. I have argued for his 'minsaarak kanavu' (sapnay in Hindi) in another thread. I like 20-30% of his songs, like any other present day Tamil MD.
The point of irritation is that, people in and out of cine field give so much of coverage and hype to his ordinary and hopeless songs also. That too is OK. It is always good not to discourage growing artistes.
The real point of irritation occurs when people, including TFM members, start comparing him with IR. Even knowledgable person like Gopal Prasad (Sorry GP) starts a thread asking who gave better beats.
It is the same kind of irritation which would occur to you if I say that Jatin-Lalit is a better MD than RDBurman.
So, the 'hatredness' is not on ARR. It is on the public opinion which inadvertantly reflects on ARR.
I am gasping for breath!!!
- From: Gopi SAnthanam (@ neesgate.neesnet.com)
on: Fri Aug 15 10:12:11 EDT 1997
NO more bashing . That is scary .
The reason that I (everybody , I hope) visit this page is to heartily assimilate the protagonists and antagonists of ARR,IR,MSV,KVM etc consequently the fun of bashing and getting
Let us not turn this forum into a musical-mugwumpery where everybody likes everybody's songs and so forth . Let us have likes or dis-likes +ve's or -ve's for they prove how strong each one are ,respectively.
The more you bash about someone the more flak you inherit which would enable one to come to a conclusion sooner than you think , for or against.
EVerybody is mature enough to refrain from personalities.
Why do IR's fans hate(prefer) ARR.
Contrasting style .
IR is more mellow and
gradual with excellent
IR would provide you more apt songs
for situations ; fit like
a glove. Vikatan reviewed avadharm
like this ' padathukku ettra paadalgalum pinnani isaiyum koduppadhil raajavukku
inai yaarum illai';precision-maker.
IR's repertoire is more richer and delectable.
ARR (till now ) sounds threadbare,repetitive and his tunes
can be easily sourced out . Already 50% of his tunes have been
proved to be lifts . IR's lifts in his behemoth repertoire is almost negligible .
The other day , I was in one of these huge grocery stores
in New Jersey when a girl(American raised Indian,. ore accent paa).,
as the vogue demands the store person offered her ARR's Hindi movie It was 'minsrak kanavu' .
She retorted back with distaste ,I paraphrase the gist of
the conversation ,"He sounds repetitive ".
As a lengthy peroration , IR fan accepting ARR(vice Versa) will rarely happen beacause it is a shift in the approach of music(style). And that is how it should be . This does not imply that IR's fans are not cognizant of ARR's commercial
stature but ACCEPTING is a matter of premise-checking . Can one accept ARR and IR ?? That ,obviously, is the prerogative
of the fan but I think its akin to going to two doctors , one who knows the perfect medicine ,dosage to cure you ;and the other with the immaterial crapulence that would choke me.
Arvind is right , too early to compare IR and ARR but the comparison is done to prove that it is too early.
So Gopal's topic (ARR and IR beats)is a valid one.
There is no "hate " here but a preference .
- From: Unarchi_vasappattavan (@ dhcp80-30.ee.ufl.edu)
on: Fri Aug 15 12:55:28 EDT 1997
Because Rahman sucks big time .. turns out the same old tunes in new bottles...and gives us a preview of his next movie songs in the BGM...and beneath that humble facade he thinks he is the BEST...I can sense it from his interviews...
- From: Ravi Krishna (@ starwars.informix.com)
on: Fri Aug 15 13:20:52 EDT 1997
To Mr Unarchi_vasappattavan,
Please do not bash ARR for his superiority complex. When it comes to arrogance IR takes the cake. Wonder why you did not pass comment on "I am the best" attitude of IR.
- From: Meendum_Meendum_Unarchi_Vasappattavan (@ dhcp80-30.ee.ufl.edu)
on: Fri Aug 15 15:55:38 EDT 1997
IR can afford to be arrogant. He has the stuff that makes ordinary mortals like us feel like minions..but ARR??? That's a joke. Hardly 30 movies, about 150 songs, 100 of them recycled.. and he wants to be arrogant! See his interview in the Hindu today about his new album for proof.
- From: Ravi Krishna (@ starwars.informix.com)
on: Fri Aug 15 16:16:41 EDT 1997
To Unarchi_vasappattavan,
What a pathetic justification for arrogance. If that's the way you justify IR's arrogance , then ARR is also justified. After all how many MD's get 1 crore per film.
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-6-84.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Aug 15 16:41:29 EDT 1997
Sorry to enter! May be this would be the first and last time I wish to reply in a topic relating to ARR!!
If ARR is not gonna charge One crore per movie now, he cannot claim that later, because, nobody is gonna pay that big money after knowing his recycling capabilities!! Have you heard of "Make hay while the sun shines" ? Thats it!! A bird on hand is better than two in the bush, you see!!
Further, at an average ten lacs per movie (I presume that could be the industry stds)he is giving ten movie music in one movie!! Or in other words, 50 movies capsuled in five movies!! Dont you think tamil audience are spared of nonsense to the extent of realtime 45 movies? I thank ARR for that! I wish he charges five crore per movie so that he would stop with one movie per year!! Hayya jolly jolly :-) :-) :-)
- From: IR-fan (@ hexlabpc.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu)
on: Sat Aug 16 12:34:40 EDT 1997
To RaviKrishna,
i've been reading your articles in rmim and
here. you contrast yourself. please go rmim and
read your articles, comeback and post your
opinions. in rmim, there are lot of arr fans,
there you post messages against arr and here
against IR. it's really funny to know somebody
doing dual role, and this makes your opinions
- From: Ravi Krishna (@ starwars.informix.com)
on: Sat Aug 16 23:41:34 EDT 1997
To IR-fan,
Myself defending ARR . This is the first time
I am hearing this about myself. I am a known
ARR basher. I am only pointing out the double standards of IR fans when it comes to bashing ARR.
For god sake please do not conclude that I have suddenly become a fan of ARR.
Please re-read all my posting in TFM page.
- From: Himanshu (@
on: Sun Aug 17 01:35:37 EDT 1997
I think the main reason for so much hate is because of the success ARR has achieved in such a little time. It is often hard for people to digest the fact that a single person can achieve so much success in such little time. I do not think any of the IR fans have anything AGAINST, per say, ARR.
- From: IR-fan (@ hexlabpc.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu)
on: Sun Aug 17 10:37:29 EDT 1997
To Ravi Krishna,
sorry for the misunderstanding, man.
- From: srini (@ 1cust23.max28.cleveland.oh.ms.uu.net)
on: Mon Aug 18 01:01:11 EDT 1997
I spent my youth listening to IR and believe me he made it worthwhile. I listen to ARR and believe me he brings the youth back in me, Each one is good in his own right/style. The ARR fan has probably not lived thru the early frenzied days of IR popularity. Remember Mounageetham's jogging song ( the use of a simple harmonium in the midst of the song is mind blowing).
If it is of any solace to both sides (ARR Vs IR) they both come from TN!!
- From: NOV (@
on: Mon Aug 18 06:05:03 EDT 1997
I tend to agree with Himanshu. The true comparison of IR and ARR will only come when and if ARR can withstand the the great selecter - time. IR achieved a lot over the past 20 years. ARR has merely done a fraction of that. Methinks that hard-core fans of IR are angry with ARR because everyone says he has displaced IR (which is not exactly true) But on the surface level it may seem to be so. Those from the ARR era will not know the fury IR fans faced when he displaced MSV. Which is exactly what ARR fans are facing now. Whether hsitory repeats itself or not ... remains to be seen.
- From: easwaran hariharan (@ amex.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Mon Aug 18 18:14:39 EDT 1997
Everyone forgets another great reason for IR fans to hate ARR.His success in north, which he effortlessly achieved, which IR could not so far. IMHO, ARR success nationwide,
is probably the first any one have achieved so far.
- From: Aravind (@
on: Mon Aug 18 22:07:55 EDT 1997
Sorry E.Hari
namakku North makkaL taste nanRaagavE theriyum. Kamal was a flop. KB was a flop. SPB is not accepted to that level. Kumar Sanu is still singing. Sanjay Dutt is a hero. intha listukku mudivE illai. adhanaala there is nothing surprising that IR could not make it. I do not think IR fans are very much worried about that.
ARR himself has said in an Interview that the Hindi version of Duet was a big flop. He feels that though Duet is his best perfomance so far, it was not accepted because of the difference in taste.
Since Western Rock, Pop etc are listened to throughout India, ARR was able to give some hit Hindi movies.
- From: easwaran hariharan (@ amex.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Tue Aug 19 16:51:19 EDT 1997
I did accept that north taste is always very odd. As a person attached to IR music more than ARR, I feel sometimes there is a validity in this argument. I feel IR should have changed his style little bit, to suit to north. I agree that IR does not need to prove himself in north, but it would have been another feather in his cap, if had done it. It is not wrong to say that getting recognized in north is shorter way to fame. Remember how much easy for ARR now to work with different people like NAFK, apache indian, viswa mohan bhatt. How many people in north know about IR and his works. . This is the reason sony agreed to release sub standard ARR stuff, where they refused to release IR's symphony.Recently I saw an book, encyclopedia on indian film music, and there was no mention about anything other than hindi music. I did not like it single bit, but that is the reality out there. Is it not ture?.
- From: Ravy (@ ww-te02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Aug 19 21:43:47 EDT 1997
When I lived in Bombay a few years back I went on a picnic trip to Lonawala (80 miles from BBY) with my colleagues. I was listening Agni N and Nayakhan in my walkman. A couple of my colleagues wanted to listen those songs. So I played the cassette on a boom box. They loved it (esp. ninnukkori varnam) and asked me to play those songs again and again. I was the only Tamilian in that group of 20. Then I asked some of why IR was not very popular. They cited a major difference between Hindi songs and IR songs being the interlude music. Hindi songs follow the same tune throughout the song(including the interludes) whereas IR's interlude music is different from its initial tune. I argued that interlude music is where IR can show his imagination and asked them to notice how he neatly blends the music when he returns back to the song. But they couldn't accept that.
Also some felt that IR's rustic tunes are too south indian and will not appeal to Northeners.
- From: Aravind (@
on: Wed Aug 20 04:53:48 EDT 1997
It all depends on what you want to become. If you want to be an accepted person throughout India, then you will have to dilute your standards to suit the taste of such a huge population.
ARR wants to be known throughout India. So he works with many famous guys in the North. IR also worked with Chaurasia in NBW. I do not know of his association with any other big time Northie.
It is true that entering Bollywood is the short cut to National fame - but at the expense of your standards. Please note that I an not saying that Bollywood's standard is bad. Since taste differs vastly, you may have to adapt yourself to it and lose your originality and standards in due course. Kamal, KB, SPB and IR did not want that. Manirathnam and ARR want that. That is all.
- From: NOV (@
on: Wed Aug 20 05:09:34 EDT 1997
Ho, ho, ho, Aravind, wait a minute! Did Maniratnam direct any Hindi movies? Even all (except one) movies of ARR are from the south, mostly from TN.
I think it's the northern folks who are after ARR and not the other way around!
- From: Gopi (@ neesgate.neesnet.com)
on: Wed Aug 20 10:20:57 EDT 1997
Ho! ho! Mr Nov,
Maniratnam does not need to direct Hindi movies.
He has got this unique(perverted) formula of accquiring Hindi heroines
with ARR accompanying them with atrocious singers from north, to gain national fame.
Do u think Bombay would have made waves (I perceive it as the
most irritating documentary ,except for ARR's background score ,this
movie was mundane and insipid), if Manisha koirala hadn't played in
it, the movie would have just grazed theatres.
It is an excellent commercial idea but I would have felt
better If Mani had set the plot in TN or South India with a Tamil herione.
We also have Muslim and Hindu furore.
SAme with Thiruda ,Thiruda.
Roja too ( Personally , I couldn't watch Roja , It was like watching
I wouldn't clamour on the same grounds if ARR or Mani or any South Indian
invite "demi MOore" or any vellakkaari because Indiavil recognize
aaha vendum endral bombay moolamahathaan pohanum endra ennam thappu and
adhai Mr Mani and ARR vehu theeveramaha seihiraarhal.
Keralaavai paarungal , they do movies with their identity intact and
Malayalam movies are better known .
I don't like IR scoring music for Hindi films .
IR is a better achiever, in this regard, as a lot of his tunes
get copied by Hindi MD's . That is the better accolade and acknowlegment
that an MD could get. If the northern folks are after ARR now,
they were after IR's tunes long before ARR got into the fray.
I am not denying that the northerners are not after ARR but just
bulletining the fact that he is the second person they are after ,
first being IR.
- From: Aravind (@
on: Wed Aug 20 22:56:26 EDT 1997
I wish he did that. He could have made a movie in Hindi rather than dubbing his movies into Hindi which looked STUPID. Thank God he did not dub 'iruvar'. athai thamizhilEyE paakka mudiyalai. Noth Indians are lucky.
Same is the case with ARR. His music in Rangeelaa was defenitely good except a few irritating elements here and there (Horlicks, Chocolate stuff). But his dubbed songs are so stupid that you can hardly listen to them once. One cannot blame ARR for that. The Producer/Distributor thinks that everything with an ARR label would sell and that idea bombed more than once.
Just to get National coverage these people resorted to such tactics.
- From: easwaran hariharan (@ dutyfree.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Fri Aug 22 17:51:00 EDT 1997
ARR does not go to north, north is coming after him. Infact except rangeela and recent daud, his all other success in north are thru dubbed songs. Much of ARR's popularity in recent times should be also attributed to his success in north,
without any doubt. His success ration in north is really good, only duet and TT failed to hit big time there.
IR, SPB, Kamal and KB all tried to break into
north and failed. SPB was successful though he is still very busy in south to commit himself for
north market.
In IR's case, What is the wrong in doing something different to break into big market?. he could have selected few films and created a niche of himself in north, which in my
opinion he did not try whole heartedly. Just listen to aur ek prem kahani, who know what I mean?.
I won't agree with Your assertion that north was after IR before ARR. Norht MDS always were after any good songs, they would not see whether it is IR, or sanker ganesh or vijay anand for that matter. .Even if they were after IR as U say, IR did not get a single paise out of that, people like anand-miland and other copycats made money. But with ARR's case, smartly he was the one making money. Always in north there is lot of market pressure in music industry, and ARR should be appreciated for withstanding that and giving top selling albums consistently. If IR was smarter, he would have been selling his songs by himself, rather than thru some copycats.
- From: srini (@ 1cust90.max30.cleveland.oh.ms.uu.net)
on: Fri Aug 22 21:43:51 EDT 1997
many of IRs songs are based on tamil folk songs and so he has a tough time getting it across to the North. ARRs songs also have shades of Tamil Folk but more cleverly packaged with other elements. Before we start bashing Northerners music tastes and perfrmers let us not forget three decades of musical creativity from North 1940-70s.
- From: Aravind (@
on: Sun Aug 24 23:04:28 EDT 1997
Please re-read my posting. Producers and distributors who have the rights, start dubbing all ARR's songs into Hindi. ARR cannot be blamed for that. I cannot imagine how would 'nilaa kaaigirathu' sound in Hindi.
I agree with you whole-heartedly that IR did not do 'Ek aur prEm kahaani' with full enthu. Songs were recyled from his own 'kaatril enthan geetham', 'poththi vechcha malligai mottu', 'santhaththil paadaatha kavithai' etc. But the BGM was defenitely excellent as usual.
I also agree that IR was not interested in making money by making it big in the North. He was simply not interested in doing it. That was all.
- From: Mohan (@ trt-on22-13.netcom.ca)
on: Sun Dec 21 02:07:04 EST 1997
Anyone who thinks ARR's songs are garbage is not a real music lover. Try listening to his songs on headphones and you will see a big difference, because his music has "depth". By "depth" I mean, more times you listen to ARR's songs, the more you start to like it. I ussually don't like ARR's songs the first time I listen to it, but the more I listen, the more I see how clerverily he has composed the wide range of instruments from other parts of the world. IR can only handle a few instruments well.
But IR's songs, if you don't like it the first time, then you will never like it. Because he lacks his music lacks depth. You don't see the difference when listening on headphones.
There is a myth that ARR recycles songs and IR doesn't. This myth came about, because ARR uses western instruments, and everytime he uses the same instrument, people mistake it for the same tune. Also IR recycles more than ARR, people don't recognize it because they are used to Tablas
and that what IR uses most of the time. His beats are recycled frequently.
- From: MPR (@ dyn07.iacc-t23.ndsu.nodak.edu)
on: Mon Dec 22 02:29:53 EST 1997
Mr. Mohan,
IR uses Tabla most of the time
Agreed. Have you ever noticed violin and flute pieces coming with those table beats? There he makes the difference. In every song, something will be new in this area. You won't feel like you heard that piece before. But in our man's case take any violin or flute piece from Gentleman to vande madaram, same notes just coming again and again. I don't know why, whenever I listen to ARR's album, some of his previous work comes to mind. Honestly, I don't know why!!!
- From: Nithn Sreedevan (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Wed Dec 31 16:56:56 EST 1997
Mr. Mohan
I agree with MPR's comments. ARR is great but he actually lacks depth. His songs are actually very funny to hear. There is no structure or may I say Bone. It simply goes like the stupid flute notes on many of his songs. I mean, I am sayint that ARR is great, but he does not aim for perfection, he aims for 1 crore of rupees and he knows that today's audience is like this: pattu pala kodi isaithen (raja) ketkavarkku gyanam illai - so why trouble too much for perfection, when the money is easy to come by?
Please ARR is great, don't mistake me. But, Raja or MSV or even Sankar-Ganesh created great tunes in the pre SUN TV days and they were perfect melodies, not the half-baked ones we see today.
- From: "RAVI" (@ host1292.tor1.pda.attcanada.com)
on: Sun Jan 4 11:51:42 EST 1998
Comparing Ilaiyaraja and A.R. Rahman is like comparing apples and oranges. They are both great in their own ways. Rahman's music is more appealing to the post-MTV (or SUN TV) crowd, whereas Ilaiyaraja apeals to the more "traditional" taste. In Ilaiyaraja's earlier days, I bet there were debates and arguments about who was "better", M.S. Viswanathan or Ilaiyaraja. I think they all gave (give) us great music. Personally, I would rank them in the MSV-IR-ARR order. This does not mean that I think one of them is "better" than the others.
- From: sugibaby (@
on: Wed Jun 3 03:12:18 EDT 1998
i hate ir! why is he still here?
- From: buddy (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg)
on: Wed Jun 3 03:57:12 EDT 1998
'U' sugibaby
i hate 'U' why r u here
- From: Ramesh (@ interlock.itthartford.com)
on: Wed Jun 3 15:34:37 EDT 1998
I hate ARR , the reason i think(personally) many of his songs feel like SKVP (puriyalaya? Seththavak Kayila Vetthala Pakku kuduttha madhiri
irukkum. Adhavadu oru nalla sangeetha nalinam therinjavar podara music endral onnume theriyada siru kuzhandai kooda thalai aattum. ARR podaradu ellam verum popularity vangave potta madiri irukkum ). ARR ikku bahdilaga DEVA parava illai.
- From: DIE HARD FAN OF ARR. (@ )
on: Fri Nov 12 03:48:29 EST 1999
Hi stupid ramesh, u cannot compare ARR with IR.ARR is india's no1 music director.WHO GIVE U THE RIGHTS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE GENIUS.Do u think that we the fans of ARR can tolerate your nonsense.better think before u type.IR and deva are nothing compared to the brilliant music of ARR.
- From: velumagan (@ kbu-43-17.tm.net.my)
on: Sun Jan 2 21:05:45 EST 2000
While you fellas are busy posting comments and fighting with each other here, ARR, IR, MSV and all of them are quietly sitting in their house, minting money.
Wake up Thamilla! No use fighting. MDs change with the times. Nobody can stay on forever. Everyone has his own talent and style.
- From: anban (@ )
on: Tue Jul 18 13:51:13 EDT 2000
nethi adi
- From: David (@ )
on: Mon Jul 24 02:45:56 EDT 2000
ARR excellent music cannot be compare with lousy music of IR or other MDs.
Perfection in music only which is from A R Rahman the Great, Greater and Greastest composer.
- From: Die hard fans of ARR (@ )
on: Thu Aug 17 05:46:43 EDT 2000
Cry baby fans of IR.Please get lost.ARR is the greatest composer.
- From: vikram chander (@ )
on: Thu Oct 5 13:29:20 EDT 2000
Dear ARR fans,
Please argue with some stuff and
don't use words like cry babies and lousy music
without any proper reasoning and logic.
This spoils the very enthusiasm of the discussion
to a great extent.
If you say ARR is better than IR, justify it
or else shut up and get lost.
- From: ALEX MATHEW, Cochin (@ )
on: Thu Nov 9 13:10:55 EST 2000
Ilaiyaraja is Ilaiyaraja and A.R.Rehman is A.R.Rehman. Why should u compare both? I am a malayalee, but I have a great craze for tamil film music. I am an ardent fan of maestro Ilaiyaraja and do have a wide collection of his songs. Also, I have recorded or bought most of the works of Rahman. What i have to say to all of u is that history repeats. Ilaiyaraja replaced MSV once, but there are millions even now who admire MSV, and Ilaiyaraja himself is one among MSV fans, and that is why he persuaded MSV to sing some of his songs ( recently one song in the malayalam film YATHRAMOZHI - music by IR) and also expressed his wish to assist MSV for some films( MELLA THIRANTHATHU KATHAVU& SENTHAMIL PATTU). Then came the age of Ilaiyaraja , in which he ruled the industry. I did not hear any of his songs at that time because i was then interested only in malayalam songs. but i liked IR's songs much when he occasionally did some works in malayalam. I began to appreciate IR's tamil songs at the time when rahman was making his entry. At first, i had a craze for ARR's music , which I lost when he began doing fast numbers just for the new generation. IR was deserted by many of the top directors and he began losing many chances to get good movies demanding the best from him.There may be some politics behind all these which we, the common people are not aware of. But, I would say definitely that whenever IR got a good movie during this period, he proved his ability( siraichalai, kadalukku mariadai, many malayalam films- the recent mal. film "kochu kochu santhoshangal" and the recent tamil film "Bharathy") People who blame IR now are not considering the fact that he has been here for the last 24 years, doing music. how many songs? and aren't many of these still in our memory? I would not say that he has not become repeatative. he has repeated . Then who is not being repeatative? Rahman, or Deva? or S.A.Rajkumar??!! I believe that IR has not become that much repeatative as he should be when we take into consideration the great no. of films he has done. Take "Bharathy'"s songs. Aren't they providing something different from the usual songs that we hear recently?So, that is Isaignani. His marvellous style of blending western music with indian classical music and that of sreating typical interludes using violin and flute bits is his only .I understand from the responses posted here that many of the youngsters dislike IR's music. There lies the point behind ARR's success. He came with a different style , which was accepted widely.He also composed many good songs and I do admire him as a brilliant composer. Some people turn against him for some of his too much westernized songs, but I believe that he may be doing these just for satisfying film makers or the younger generation. I think he returned to melodies in films like "ALAI PAYUTHE" and "KANDUKONDAIN"- They were beautiful songs.I hope that he will be here , making melodies like these for all of us to enjoy.
so, a simple advice from my side,
dear youngsters,
u can adore ARR. But, why should u hate IR?
Dear IR fans,
U continue loving IR's music. y should u hate ARR?
with love
- From: boopendran (@ )
on: Thu Nov 16 02:49:39 EST 2000
Alex,I very much impressed by your writings.That's what everybody need.We are not politicians.They only gaining popularity by making fun of others & insulting others.IR is maestro.But at the same time ARR also doing good now.We can' forget his songs in Indian(pachhai kiligal),Minsarakanavu(vennilave vennilave),rhythm(most of the songs) etc.Most of the topics in this forum is comparing one with others.Is that every body need?we can tell our views.But we should not insult.But that's what everybody doing.
Nothing more to say.
- From: james (@ )
on: Mon Nov 20 09:36:22 EST 2000
Excuse me,once IR was a famous composer,n that was once,but now ARR is famous.U know arr uses carnatics n westerns.THE most important thing is
ARR was a keyboard player for IR before.And that's why ARR dont want to mess up with IR.No one could do music like ARR because he uses professional kits n his musics are heavy and damn good.LET's say if IR was so famous n no one could be like him then why no one from overseas come to
him and invite him for overseas peformance.Uknow why? coz he's not the person the world wants or even the music industries in all over the world wants. ARR is the most wanted in all over countries.ARR 'S PERFORMANCE IS MORE HEAVY AND HAS MORE CREATIVITY AND SUPERB EFFECTS AND SOUNDS,BACKGROUND MUSIC,LOVE MUSIC,GUYS MUSIC,GALS MUSIC.heHAS DONE ALL KINDS OF MUSIC FOR CARNATIC LOVERS,WESTERN LOVERS,FOR FRIENDSHIPS,FOR THE MODERN GALS(like shakalaka baby)FOR THE MODERN GUYS(kalluri salai,thaniye thannan thaniye,smiyai,oh maria and somany) and does music according to the situation.For SAngamam because the movie involves much of carnatics,he does carnatic music by adding
some modern skills,for Kadhal desam,it involved modern actors and modern direction too,he did all modern flashing superb songs for the teenagers.that's why no one can beat ARR rahman in music.he's the KING OF POP in india.
- From: SUBRAMANIAN.S (@ )
on: Fri Nov 24 07:17:31 EST 2000
- From: surya (@ )
on: Wed Mar 7 10:16:32 EST 2001
Ilayaraja Ilayarajatan ARR ARRtan
ARR nalla isai amaikirar illanu sollala
ana avoroda background music totally out
mukkiyama Manairatnam padanggalukku
enakku terinju neraya peru kaadalukku mariyadai padatha neraya vatti parthurukkangga(singapore)
ARR oru puthu padam inniku veliyakkunarna antha padathu patta minji -minji 3 tadavaikku mela kekka mudiyathu
nanum ARR rasigana irunthavantan
ana vanoliyila athigamana IR pattu kekka arambicona IR fan ayitten
nambalukkulla en veena perachanai
intha vivathathukku kalam than batil solla mudiyum
- From: pattu (@ )
on: Thu Apr 5 18:37:33 EDT 2001
i have been reading and there is atleast one clear difference between IR fans and ARR fans.."LANGUAGE".. ARR fans use 'unnecessary', 'fancy' words.. actually they use all the slang from USA.. except for fire up their *&^ and in their words, they do not have much reasoning and logic in their arguments. I guess that is what is to be concluded from this page... IR's music follows a definite structure, it has a whole story in one sing, which probably appeals to 'some' people. For people like 'DAVID', "DIE HARD FAN OF ARR'(is it in the name itself!!!), i guess they just like to 'rebel' .. hate structure think it is cool to use expressions like 'cry baby'.. i guess they tend to get attracted more to ARR's music. I am not really sure how many people liked ARR's 'RYTHM', and 'SANGAMAM' which are the best of ARR's music in recent times.. the closer he comes to 'melody' and 'structure' the farther he gets away from people like 'DIE HARD.. WHATEVER' .. so MELODY is the only 'great,greater,greatest' (as some 'retards' said before)...
- From: arun anand (@ )
on: Sat Apr 7 02:04:21 EDT 2001
After all the long long years of length and breadth of Tuning and composing , If a man can still bring out songs...Ennaai Thalata varuvalaa..passing thru the ears in the heart THERe is none other than THE MAESTRO ILLAYARAJA...
ARR freaks out with voice and instrument frequencies that are normally out of the human common receptable levels..Good experiment..
i wonder why..he has all songs with words repeting..chinna chinnaa, snehiyidane snehidane,
roja roja,chayya chayyaa,kuchi kuchi rakama,Uyire uyire.Anjali anjali...Well lots more..well think it has got a scientific reason...the repetitive rhtym it creates makes it to be hummed and hummed and add the music..
These are my humble observations..great job done though by AR.
- From: mouli... (@ )
on: Thu Jun 14 02:29:21 EDT 2001
why the hell r u all guys fighting on who is better:ARR orIR,but at the end of the day the fact is thatARR is ARR and IR IS IR.u just can't compare them like that.they both r 2 great maestros who have set their own very high standards,which is very tough to reach for any other present day composer.i think they should'nt be compared .illayaraja has had his heyday,and now the limelight is being hogged by ARR.
some people say that ARR is guilty of composing tracks only meant 4 the uth,but b4 saying that ,u folks hear to tracks like TAAL,ALAIPAYUTHEY,KANDUKONDAIN,ZUBEIDAA,LAGAAN,ROJA,BOMBAY,VANDE MATARAM,the list is literally end less..in fact he's the only MD afterIR who has the knowledge of hindustani classical,indian carnatic, as well as western classical,and what more could u ask 4?
- From: mouli... (@ )
on: Thu Jun 14 02:29:26 EDT 2001
why the hell r u all guys fighting on who is better:ARR orIR,but at the end of the day the fact is thatARR is ARR and IR IS IR.u just can't compare them like that.they both r 2 great maestros who have set their own very high standards,which is very tough to reach for any other present day composer.i think they should'nt be compared .illayaraja has had his heyday,and now the limelight is being hogged by ARR.
some people say that ARR is guilty of composing tracks only meant 4 the uth,but b4 saying that ,u folks hear to tracks like TAAL,ALAIPAYUTHEY,KANDUKONDAIN,ZUBEIDAA,LAGAAN,ROJA,BOMBAY,VANDE MATARAM,the list is literally end less..in fact he's the only MD afterIR who has the knowledge of hindustani classical,indian carnatic, as well as western classical,and what more could u ask 4?
- From: Preity Sandana(punjab indian/srilankan) (@ )
on: Tue Jul 24 13:40:53 EDT 2001
1st of all ar.rahman is betta then illayaraja...plzz his voice is so freakin stupid rahman can sing.plsu i like rahmanz beatz there hype....
ar.rahman is betta then raja anydayz raja is good but his beetz are toooo old 4 teenz now.............
- From: nandu (@ )
on: Mon Jul 30 08:51:19 EDT 2001
my dear pattu,
u r a big...(what should i say.i want to abuse but u'll write some comment for this saying arrahman's fans are...........)
the reason why arr's fans are using such words is clear.u people are posting such messages.U (ir's fans),rather than proving what he is worth of are
trying to find out mistakes in arr which u r not able to successfully and hence some of you have started blaming the fans also.
huh!!!i feel pity for ir's fans.
- From: arr (@ )
on: Mon Jul 30 08:52:46 EDT 2001
bahan chod ir
- From: ir (@ )
on: Mon Jul 30 08:54:06 EDT 2001
bahan chod arr
- From: manager (@ )
on: Mon Jul 30 08:58:58 EDT 2001
this is a bakwaas site
- From: same person (@ )
on: Mon Jul 30 09:00:56 EDT 2001
again i'm telling u this is a bakwaas site
- From: SAITAN (@ brf-cache10.jaring.my)
on: Tue Aug 7 03:03:13 EDT 2001
uwaaaaaaaaaaa nyam nyam nyam!!! naan engey iruken? oh IR vs AR ,AR vs IR? Ade pongappa poi velaiye parungeda athan chaami!!. IR kaalai kaluvi andhe thanniye rendu tadave nakki parke soluda RAHMANAI. avan ellam oru manushan avanuku oru fan group karrrrrrrrrrrr tuh. ilavuku porandhavangala.IR maestro RAHMAN zero.
- From: amit kumar (@ )
on: Fri Aug 10 06:58:30 EDT 2001
maa ki chut tum sab ki.
bahan ke lodon aur koi kaam nahin hai kya.
is site waale ki to maa ka bhosada.
- From: IR-fan-Prashanth (@ )
on: Tue Sep 4 07:56:13 EDT 2001
I wonder if the site administrators are managing this site or have left it to its fate.
Dear site administrator,
please heed to my request and see that no filthy language is used here. Indiscriminately efface any content that relates to vulgarity. Please oblige.........
Now, Friends,
it is a great shame to find filthy language out here posted by absoutely knave people. Please do not express your aversion like this. Defend your arguments with supporting stuff and be a true participant in a wonderful debate such as this.
Kindly oblige....
- From: IR-fan-Prashanth (@ )
on: Tue Sep 4 07:56:48 EDT 2001
I wonder if the site administrators are managing this site or have left it to its fate.
Dear site administrator,
please heed to my request and see that no filthy language is used here. Indiscriminately efface any content that relates to vulgarity. Please oblige.........
Now, Friends,
it is a great shame to find filthy language out here posted by absoutely knave people. Please do not express your aversion like this. Defend your arguments with supporting stuff and be a true participant in a wonderful debate such as this.
Kindly oblige....
- From: Shiraz Ahmed (@ )
on: Wed Jun 12 09:17:41 EDT 2002
Hi there,
I would like to day that after A.R Rahman started giving music for movies, I saw a change in Tamil Music. Ilayaraja was going strong with his style of music which people liked, ARR came with a boom with Roja and continued good music but what he lacks is Love songs. ARR is not good in love songs all his songs are boom bang.
We should not criticize IR and ARR because both of them made Indians proud of their country as both of them are recognized even in Hollywood.
- From: Isaivanan (@ )
on: Wed Jul 3 11:04:09 EDT 2002
There are no rules to create a music. All musics are created for people's taste. We can't say IR best or ARR best. Both are human musicians. A funeral "Oppaari" is a music and the fishermen's "Elelo" also a music. Don't compare with "Oppaari" & "Elelo". If ARR is best,IR also best. Because ARR was a student of IR. Don't do this foolish arguments. First, be pround of them. Because they are stars of TamilNadu Music Industry.
- From: Raj (@ )
on: Mon Jul 29 23:58:17 EDT 2002
Does nay one know any link for either telugu or tamil song in mounageetham "paruvama Chili"
I could n't find any where..This is the most favourite song of mine..
- From: kishore (@ )
on: Sun Dec 22 08:24:09 EST 2002
mounageetham "paruvama Chili"
Even I Like The Song Above,I cant find the song if any one had founded the record u plz mail me.
- From: V.Anand (@ )
on: Sun Feb 9 09:06:12 EST 2003
raja's music is the best arr's is only trend
- From: Imthiyaz (@ )
on: Fri May 9 11:47:09 EDT 2003
Nhan oru malayali enik ARR ne ishttam arr nte music aane best music athkonde nhan arr ne ishttapedunnu (vellai pookal)
- From: vignesh (@ )
on: Sun Jun 1 09:07:16 EDT 2003
it is ridiculos to say arr songs are ordinary and
poor.what a real critic would do is to be fair to
both.arr songsis without doubt amazing and breathtaking and has that international feelwhich has always broken lingistic and
i am amazed suresh couldn't understand even such obvious things. arr has 12 filmfare award(hindi), 4 national awards,one padmashree,mtvasia award,
4 regional awards in addition to all these many awards from tamilnadu.these achievements are more than phenomenal.
so arr wasn't confined to tamilnadu as IL.he is a
phenomenal in hindi as well from where he launched himself to bombaydreams.the first indian ever to do so and there are many hollywood films
he has signed as wellwhich would be coming in the future and he is going to work with royal philpharmonic(usa)and brimingham orchestra.arr is an international sensation
we should be proud of him because no indian has
reached such heights
has ir achieved half what arr has achieved.he is a good melody maker but very traditional that's why he was always confined to TAMILNADU
so,suresh please get the obvious things right!
- From: Jag (@ )
on: Sat Jun 14 12:05:37 EDT 2003
don't go by awards. there are plenty of movies of IR which deserved awards but were overlooked only because they were "regional" films. it's the quality of the music that is important not the number of awards. as someone mentioned IR fans like him not because of his commercial success but because of his music. btw IR has already worked with international orchestras to compose WCM, not music with Indian touch (ala Bombay dreams). So you cannot say "no Indian has ever reached that stage". Also, don't forget that there were giants before IR and ARR (MSV, KVM, S. Rajeshwara rao, Ghantasala etc..).
- From: nazeer (@ )
on: Mon Jun 23 11:35:07 EDT 2003
before ms,after ir, now arr, tommorow? ?.what is that to hate his achivement. in indian music industry ir has made history quantity with few number singers,but arr has made wide with new comers,with quality classic, westren,
- From: manoj (@ )
on: Tue Jul 15 14:42:11 EDT 2003
hello to all ir fans.hey just listen up guys.all set and done ir could not step into hindi music.but arr went into bollywood.he didnot stop there.he conquered it.then he has put his feet in hollywood which no tamilian has done before.IT WAS ARR WHO GAVE FACE TO TAMIL MUSIC AND NOT IR.
there is no way IR can equal ARR.ARR is the only man who raised the standard of indian music to international level which was not done by any music director in the history of indian cinema.if god was interested in becoming a music director he would have become ARR and nobody else!
- From: bals (@ )
on: Thu Oct 2 12:04:48 EDT 2003
hi guys im bash. new to this forum. very interesting/knowledgble discussion. my opinion is as follows:
every one knows what the truth is. both are good. ok now who is best?. how do you measure( best/ better. you could do this via several ways. number of awards,number of songs/movies per year,to mention a few. since none of you guys will agree upon any of these possible measures there is no way we can find out who is best/better etc. even if we did,
what are we going to do with the answer. nothing. then why argue. if the answer is going to make one feel better, he is suffering from poor selfesteem himself, and so need to go see someone for treatment. psychologists say that people who continue to argue about issues like this, have small organs.
- From: Rehman (@ )
on: Wed Nov 5 03:44:06 EST 2003
ARR'S only do his parts , nothing then that!the revolution must come from some one like ARR's.From Gandasalah,K.V. Mahadevan,M.S.V,I.Raja until ARR all of them try to do the best and ARR's do his part,but ARR go very far from them,no one in India/Tamil Naadu History Can done the Melodies/tunes can be taken by all over people India at one time , is amazing rite?,u have to agree this,and IR the first Man who got Maestro tittle in Music at India,the first man intdruce Computer Music in Tamil cinema.But do you know that, who is the boy behind the Computer Music at that time?Go and fine first the no fans can hate any one else.there are o.k..we are here only make the noisy!people should respek AAR's is the only the first Human from India who score a such a big project of chinese movie ,in China ("WORRIER OF HEAVEN AND ERTH"}his go very far rite
- From: rehman (@ )
on: Wed Nov 5 03:46:09 EST 2003
- From: RIAZ (@ )
on: Thu Nov 13 05:35:34 EST 2003
- From: RIAZ (@ )
on: Thu Nov 13 05:35:55 EST 2003
- From: dennis paterson (@ )
on: Mon Dec 15 20:48:32 EST 2003
There was a time to IR , and it finished. This is the Time Of Greate ARR because this is computer world IR softwere wont be used and its trashed. ARR softwere would be the best for this 21 centuary so lets forget IR and his era this is ARR era o.k . I am Dnnis from canada
- From: alex (@ )
on: Mon Dec 15 21:15:24 EST 2003
- From: hariharan (@ )
on: Fri Dec 19 02:27:30 EST 2003
hai guys,iam hariharan from coimbatore,iam an ardent fan of arrahman and i can see no meaning in comparing him with ilayaraja,ar has gone to the hollywood with bombaydreams,he shows variety in music-folk,western,classical,etc.,while IR goes with his same old tabla,flute.i would say yuvan himself is far better than illayaraja.
- From: hariharan&srinath (@ )
on: Thu Dec 25 07:37:57 EST 2003
hai guys,its hariharan again,have anyone heard kangalal kaidhu sei,this easily makes rahman the greatest of all
- From: MAANASAA (@ )
on: Fri Dec 26 03:00:01 EST 2003
no one can compose better melodies than my ARR
- From: Valavan (@ )
on: Sat Dec 27 06:15:17 EST 2003
Mr .Riaz,
Plz say about ARR's creativity. Just picking music from Western Europe and remixing into South. HAHAHAHAHA. Come to Europe if u r not here, i wll giva all ARR's greatest hits in European Musical Form, Actually Deva steals most from Inside India, all say he is a thief, but ARR is stealing from Europe, from Egypt to show that all r his creations. I am a music lover, for me ARR is far behind from IR, just may be he can have lot of awards, but his songs will never stand long.
- From: Valavan (@ )
on: Sat Dec 27 06:20:37 EST 2003
Mr.hariharan, ARR left becasue he have toomany competitors. HAHAHAHA.and what is he doing in hollywood. IR composed symphony, honourned by USA to be a mayor for South Carolina for 2days. dont be a frog in well. okk buddy
- From: Valavan (@ )
on: Sat Dec 27 06:21:47 EST 2003
U can be just Son of Bitch
- From: hariharan (@ )
on: Fri Jan 9 02:26:10 EST 2004
hai valavan,rahman has made a big impression abroad with his bombaydreams which sold 2 million cds all over the world,got it,u cant expect anything of that sort from the LOCAL ilayaraja,so keep ur mouth shut for ever
- From: manish (@ )
on: Tue Jan 13 04:35:26 EST 2004
i am not it.all ilyaraja fans are not hate arr.ilyaraja's fans want only old like songs.that is the main reason for raja's fan hate arrahman
- From: manish (@ )
on: Tue Jan 13 04:42:04 EST 2004
iam not accept it.all the ir fans are not hate arr.ir fans want only old like songs.that main reason for ir fans hate arr
- From: mukesh (@ )
on: Tue Jan 13 04:47:18 EST 2004
ir is a very good music directer.but it was not now before 10 years.so ir fans shut your mouth
- From: hariharan (@ )
on: Fri Jan 23 02:03:06 EST 2004
hey guys,
i think its time to finish off this dispute and declare rahman is the greatest of all and the king of kings,
- From: gupta (@ )
on: Tue Jan 27 00:17:59 EST 2004
so at last u guys admitted tat ARR is the best...
- From: ARRFan (@ )
on: Thu Jan 29 05:56:25 EST 2004
Not at last.. Its right from the Begining.. ARR is always great...
I can give you guys a good example...
Hope everyone knows Sunil Gaasker a great cricketer... also Sachin Tendulkar.. But we cannot Compare Sunil with Sachin... Sachin had gone miles higher than Sunil...
The same is applicable here.... Though IR is great... ARR is Greatest of the great...
IR was great once upon a time coz there was no ARR at that time...
- From: atchu (@ )
on: Fri Jan 30 14:06:09 EST 2004
only one thing i can say. i read all of u'r message. u all are DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT MUSIC. because u didn't give any respect for the other.
one thing u want to know. if u directing a film(music)on that time u know how hard is.(thannakku vanthal therium thalai idium kaisalum)
one thing i want to say i'm ARR FAN. sorry i'm crasy on him.
IR music directed more than 400 TAMIL films and sucseed with about 100.
not only in india world wide hit.
(i'm a srilankan now also i'm in srilanka)
i never say i didn't like IR. I REALLY love some of his song.
some one said before iruvar is not a good film.
he is a gentleman. because he never ever heard that song naruugaiye.... he will feel the love.
and hear that song vi..du..tha..li in the same film their is line(THADIKAL ELLAM THAKURA MEESAIKAL LLAM BARATHIYA)DID HE HEAR THAT
and what abt. unnodu naan iruntha ovoru mani
did u hear the music for that?
first he had a style. THEM.
- From: atchu (@ )
on: Fri Jan 30 14:13:09 EST 2004
hey arrfan
on that time is also arr is in the field.
with a name of A.S.DELEEPKUMAR
HE put the music for VIKRAM BY IR(their is a computerised music is pefomed by ARR)and also to
that film (kamal double acting as carlichaplin and as a dancer with revathi)their also he gave a computerised music. so he is a gen from his 13(age)
- From: atchu (@ )
on: Fri Jan 30 14:20:09 EST 2004
not only bombay dreams now also to lord of ring-3
and also to chinees movi i don't know the proper name.it's warrior's leged or something
ALLA RAKKA RAHMAN is a gift to india by ALLA and
SIVA also(actualy he is hindu)
- From: to valavan (@ )
on: Fri Jan 30 14:20:42 EST 2004
not only bombay dreams now also to lord of ring-3
and also to chinees movi i don't know the proper name.it's warrior's leged or something
ALLA RAKKA RAHMAN is a gift to india by ALLA and
SIVA also(actualy he is hindu)
- From: arjun (@ )
on: Fri Feb 13 01:11:48 EST 2004
A R Rahman – A Musical Genius
In his relatively short career, writer, singer and composer A R Rahman has taken both the east and west by storm with his unique style of music.
INDIAN film fans will already be familiar with Rahman, who over the past decade has mesmerised audiences and to some extent transformed the Indian music industry with his unique film scores and solo albums.
His ability to successfully combine eastern and western rhythms and vocals to produce an eclectic style of music has helped put contemporary Indian sounds on the world music stage. From rock, pop and raggae to classical Indian, Latin and western orchestral music, Rahman has been able to master the art of fusion and composition and impress millions worldwide. Dubbed the “King of Indian Pop” he has attained sales of more than 40 million albums.
Considered by many to be the foremost Indian musical artist today, Rahman has worked with well-respected artists such as Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Lata Mangeshkar, Zakir Hussain, Sonu Nigam and Talvin Singh amongst others and performed various large-scale concerts across the globe. Publicly recognised for his natural talent and great achievements, Rahman has been honoured with some of the sub-continent's most prestigious awards, including the National, Film Fare and Rajiv Ghandi Awards.
At thirty years of age, he is a relative fledging, yet his popularity and skills have seen him gain a kudos few achieve after decades of work. Despite such fame and fortune, Rahman remains a modest man who refuses to compromise his personal and professional life to fit in with the grand demands of the Indian music industry.
Rahman was born A S Duleep Kumar but later adopted the name A R Rahman when he converted from Hinduism to Islam. The son of well known South Indian composer K A Sakar, Rahman began playing music at an early age, focusing mainly on the keyboards. After his father’s death, he went on to accompany various music directors and then win a scholarship to the Trinity College of Music in London.
After returning to his native city of Madras, Rahman set up his own state of the art recording studio where he spent numerous years composing jingles for commercials. A chance introduction with the South Indian film director Mani Ratnam in 1995 pushed Rahman into the limelight, when he was given the chance to compose the soundtrack to his film Roja which went onto become an instant hit. On the back of this, Rahman received similar offers from Bollywood producers who were keen to include his music in their films. The success of subsequent Hindi film scores like Bombay, Rangeela, Taal, Earth 1947, Zubeidaa and Lagaan, catapulted Rahman to international stardom. In 1997 Rahman released Vande Mataram, a solo album in which he put he first put his singing talents to use, and since then has made guest appearances on a handful of other albums.
Despite his success Rahman has refused to move to Mumbai where is he is in much demand. However, his reputation has seen artistes and filmmakers willing to go out of their way to travel to his studios in Madras in order to work with him.
Known to favour quality over quantity, Rahman refuses to work simultaneously on numerous films like other Indian music directors.
“Rather than making money I believe in making people happy, all other things are secondary. That is why I am not interested in a lot of movies but only in one at a time. I like directors whom I can vibe with. Ten years of experience in this field has made me quite frustrated. I've evolved a technique, which requires a lot of time. Other music directors record a song in 7-8 hours. But I am different. We do a basic sitting and we record it. We record the voice and I add instrument by instrument to improve the quality, explains AR Rahman.
A recent two part CNN documentary presented by news anchor Riz Khan, included a special on AR Rahman and bought the music maestro considerable mainstream attention from the west. In 2002, A R Rahman is set to become a household name in the UK when the musical Bombay Dreams hits the west end stage. A collaboration between Rahman, music impresario Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and oscar-nominated film director Shekar Kapur, Bombay Dreams will be the first large scale Asian musical to be staged in London. With an enviable past record and bright future ahead of him, A R Rahman is well on his way to becoming a living legend.
- From: hariharan (@ )
on: Fri Feb 13 01:41:22 EST 2004
that was a wonderful collection from arjun abt arrahman and his achievements in music,this really makes me feel proud abt a true fan of rahman,mr.arjun u have made things clear from ur mail,so ir fans,look into this collection of rahmans records from arjun and judge who is the best,
- From: kailash (@ )
on: Sat Feb 21 05:01:07 EST 2004
rahman is very good music directer. raja hate rahman.so his fans hate rahamn.raja is a old fellow.he things only old things.he not match for the present.rahman to gve music for many foreign films.raja is only local films.nowadays raja give the music are rare.someone are the standard songs.
- From: Jigar A Aacharya (@ )
on: Wed Mar 3 01:58:52 EST 2004
hi, this is jigar, i want to say only one thing, that i pray " Shree Illaiyaraja " and i love " Shree A R Rahman ". and one more thing we dont have that place or that post to discuss this topic. 'coz we are not even a part of send as compare to them, i love " Shree A R Rahman " so much and, for me " Shree Illaiyaraja " is a God of music. pls forgive me if i made mistake. i want blessing of both of them. " Pranaam " !!!
- From: omshivacharan (@ )
on: Sat Mar 20 02:30:49 EST 2004
i think the rival is b/w only fans of IR & ARR
had any one wuitnessed thier quarrels.i think arr"s success is contributed by over advertise and some lucks.whatever it may be both are like HARI~HARA OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY
- From: Raj (@ )
on: Mon Apr 5 06:58:39 EDT 2004
Undisputed King of the Music world! It's Rahman all the way. All u IR fans go eat humble pie. IR's days are all over. It's now Rahman, rahman and more Rahman.
- From: GEORGEKUTTY (@ )
on: Thu Apr 8 03:09:35 EDT 2004
- From: vijaykumar (@ )
on: Wed Apr 21 08:20:19 EDT 2004
i love sri ar rahman & his music
- From: N.Raja Thiluck (@ )
on: Wed Apr 21 12:00:43 EDT 2004
IR fans are liking melody music But the ARR fans like me are liking a thunder like music. They can't digest his development also
- From: viraj (@ )
on: Sat Apr 24 03:04:53 EDT 2004
ir is a senseless music composer having flopp music and antic instruments but arr has got knowledge as well as instruments his music is always very technically composed and i always like to hear it.ARR IS VERY GREAT
- From: Daniel (@ )
on: Fri Apr 30 09:23:20 EDT 2004
To all who have shared their views in thsi forum, I greatly appreciate your views and expressions. Some were hard, very offensive, very harsh, some were polite. But one thing is that we all fought among ourselves tojust say who is great? either IR or ARR. Is there any way to compare between a Father and a son. like that there is no meaning in comparing IR and ARR.
People say that ARR has done this, that and all those and what had IR has done. In fact that was a good question. Like wise ur father was in cycle when he was to work. but u go on bike to college, is that u mean that ur great than ur father. No he dosent have a chance at that time to ride a bike, but have now to do that. Thank ur father rather proclaiming ur self as a great man.
Thats what happening here.........Raja has proved much on what he has got on those days and Rahman has proved on what he got. Ur father ate Idli and drank stew. but now ur having PIZZA and BURGER is that ur great, coz ur having modern food and ur fathe is waste having country food. What a stupid u all should be.
But think if ur father was there u are not here. Like wise MSV not there IR is not here and IR no there and ARR not here. Insipiration plays, people want to create something new.U saw someone doing something and u could feel that it can be better in a different was to the scope and u did that. But its all coz the other person who took that initiative or u wouldnt got that idea.
If IR has given u some splendid music and created some new techniques in flim music all would have beating the same bus. Since he had done that, some had the fire to do it differently and wants to try something new.
All ARR Fans thank IR for bringing ARR into the field and he getting the interest of music. If there is no IR then there is no ARR, mind that.
There are plenty of songs which IR has tuned some 20 yrs back is what ARR is trying it.......I swear, listen in Agni Naktchtiram. what is not there to the current trend. U have beat, rhythym, jazz,everything. This is a sample.
I cud see many people without knowing what is music they are talking rubbish. MUSIC IS LIFE GIVER.........is that happened in the case of ARR, jus think.
U should feel happy when ur sad, u shud go to sleep at night peacefully, u celebrate the ocassions with family, u should enjoy, u should enjoy birds chriping, u should enjoy nature............all happened, happens and will happen only by IR Music. There should be some nativity or some culture then only its called music. Though u eat Burger or PIZZA or HOT DOGS or COKE or PESPSI u call ur mom when u get hurt only on ur mother tongue not on a different modern term.
Please try to understand what is real.........everybody say the worl is behind rahman........even the world is behind Osama......so Osama is great, what stupid u all shud be.
there is no one great and no one inferior , every one is great to their level. before commenting on others please are u great enough to do that.
Sorry if i had hurt any of ur feelings.
Please think on what u write and do it sensibiliy.
- From: MJ (@ )
on: Tue Jun 8 22:12:05 EDT 2004
Who the heck is IR, ne ways??? All all ya'll listen up now...AR Rahman is the best of the best and will live on to be the greatest music producer in our industry and across the world!!! No offence to ne one, but i can't sit back and let ANYBODY bad mout him in ANYWAY!! So yeah, read it, get it, and move on. Peace.
- From: sundeep (@ )
on: Wed Jul 7 01:53:04 EDT 2004
ar is king of the music n he will b the king forever n ever
- From: maddy (@ )
on: Sun Jul 11 02:05:15 EDT 2004
i agree that many of the iraja fans hate arrahman . if we can look into the stats, most of the arr fans r f4m young age group and most of the iraja fans r 4m middle or old age group.
all i wanna say is there's a big generation gap.
youngsters want some fast beat songs now. but we can hear a fast beat rarely from ir's music.
that's why the directors r much interested in arr than ir.b'coz they need their music to go for a platinum jubilee.
i am basically a great fan of ar rahman, but i listen to raja'z music also.
i raja could not go along with the needs of the present fast generation.where's rahman being a young musc director he knows what type of music poeple wants now.
rahman is ever growing because he is really working hard to go with the pwople's needs.n he exactly knows what type of music the people listen to in different areas.
n he is giving it.
finallly what i wanna say is no one is king of music in the field.by n by they too change
yesterday it was ilayaraja , today it s arrahman n tomorrow it may be some other.
probably it may be harris jayaraj.
- From: priya (@ )
on: Tue Jul 20 21:43:28 EDT 2004
can any one tell me where i can find the song "paruvama chilipi parugu teeyaku" from the movie mounageetham
- From: frodo (@ )
on: Wed Jul 21 08:00:23 EDT 2004
ARR is much ahead of every music director he even has entered theatre music(broadway) the most pretigious for an MD .He in fact is working on the thaetre version of Lord of the rings
Unlike other indian MD's he doesnt need an agent estabilished in the west for saying come 2 me instead the west comes to him (anu malik & sonu nigam actually have people working for them )
so u know why he is no.1
accepted IR was a legend but in his time just like RDBurman Lakshimakanth pyarelal etc.
- From: ARR FAN (@ )
on: Mon Jul 26 08:12:46 EDT 2004
IR is S***
IR Fans cant digest ARR Success from south to north and now internationally popular
- From: ARR FAN (@ )
on: Mon Jul 26 08:13:08 EDT 2004
IR is S***
IR Fans cant digest ARR Success from south to north and now internationally popular
- From: An (@ )
on: Wed Aug 4 08:57:36 EDT 2004
IR aur ARR ki gaand main ghus jayo madarchodo.
- From: Nikhil (@ )
on: Fri Aug 6 15:50:31 EDT 2004
Hold on for a sec.. please dont compare IR and ARR it is the guru and sishya continuity. but the sishya had achieved even more heights than his guru! who could help it? of course IR was a hardcore composer... but now? can anyone beatout ARR? i bet not!
- From: Nikhil (@ )
on: Fri Aug 6 15:55:00 EDT 2004
one more thing.. IR was not invited for composing music for international movies. even though he had the talent he was not called upon for composing for forien movies "why?" . ARR is being begged "now" for dates of movies with top shots in it... i guess IR fans hate that too! guys the basic intrecept is that we should appreciate the men who compose good music and should not differentiate between them !
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