Topic started by Emperor (@ on Wed Feb 26 19:35:05 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Thank IR for making Tamil movies the laughing stock....
Excerpt from: http://www.rediff.com/entertai/2003/feb/26julie.htm
Another sore point is the jarring and loud background score. Indian films still cannot accept that sometimes silence can be far more effective than loud noises.
- From: Emperor (@
on: Wed Feb 26 19:37:33 EST 2003
Before shouting high and mighty, matching the BGM in Julie Ganapathy, I request IR fans to reflect and ask themeselves on the validity of the point made.
- From: Bala. (@
on: Wed Feb 26 20:35:56 EST 2003
There is no need for us(HCIRF) to shout... Every other person in the Indian film industry knows the greatness of Raja's Background Music.Moreover we people start talking about the background music only after started enjoying that great man's work.Background music is nothing but the supporting aspect for the screenplay.Julie Ganapathy is a movie about psychic character.Screenplay tries to describe the nature of that character and the bad that she can do for Jeyaram.That can be delivered to the audience only through such a roaring effect. The music in the movie is never annoying.Its really enjoyed by everyone.Shoba Warrier didnt have any substance on her side to offend such a great work by Raja & BM.Better luck next time shoba.
- From: Emperor (@
on: Wed Feb 26 21:21:25 EST 2003
In other words, to portray the negative aspect of a character, you need loud roaring music?
Hmm interesting.
Although I would choose to disagree and go for subtle, threatening silence or low music.
Please don't take a dig at Shoba Warrier. Not everyone shares the same opinion on BGM as HCIRFs.
As for BM, whatever said and done, JG is nothing more than a blatant copy. There cannot be pride in such work.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Feb 27 02:53:49 EST 2003
Even though I personally rate IR as the best in this business, I am once again vindicated for my claim that many a times IR deafens the ears and over plays the scene....
>>>Another sore point is the jarring and loud background score. Indian films still cannot accept that sometimes silence can be far more effective than loud noises.
courtesy....the review mentioned above
yesterday, I was watching EMV in TV ....Man it was telecast after 9:30PM. Imagine with so much sound, could anybody sleep?
The film was about deaf and demb...With the loud BGM , the dumb hero would have become deaf also and the deaf heroine would have lost the feable opertunity to get back here hearing capabilities....BGM in that film made the handicaps remain the same....I would imagine a BGM with the mood and silence in in which will only be there in the life of such handicapped people.
- From: vrc (@
on: Thu Feb 27 03:20:05 EST 2003
Are Yaar,
Neenga solrapadi paartha, pesum padam edukka mudiyathu, oomai padam thaan edukkanum.
- From: Cheenu (@
on: Thu Feb 27 03:53:46 EST 2003
If the BGM was loud, it's not the composer's mistake. It's the job of the sound engineer to mix the BGM at the right proportion.
If the BGM was not suiting the mood of the scene, then the blame has to be with the composer.
Going by track record, IR has harddly failed in this area.
Since I have not seen JG, I can;t comment further.
- From: Vaseegara (@
on: Thu Feb 27 07:33:08 EST 2003
Going by the BGM in Ramana, it is not surprising that IR has made a fool of himself, the producer and the audience.
Reminds me of the Emperor and the New clothes.
IR is taking all his fans for a ride.
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Thu Feb 27 08:20:35 EST 2003
Vaseegara, which Emperor are u taking about? aka Lollu Party in his new avatar? :)
Anyway complements LP! You are capable of finding a needle, rather staple pin in a haystack and for that you wanna start a thread :)
- From: x (@
on: Thu Feb 27 08:55:19 EST 2003
'Silence can be more effective than loud noice..' ???.. c'mon.. guys.. it was IR who invented it.
In India, IR is the single sole authority of BGM. He is a bible, kuron and bhagavathgeetha in that area. Before IR came, nobody knew what BGM was. It was IR who proved that just BGM alone could make a movie a big hit. For thriller movies watch moodupani, sigappu rojakkal, nooravathu naal and then talk about this work.
IR bashers -- pick up some other topic and better luck next time.
IR is the king of BGM.
- From: mUMBAI rAMKI (@
on: Thu Feb 27 09:12:08 EST 2003
I remember AV or KUmudam appreciating IR for using silence in some of the scenes .The reviewer presents teh exact opposite review infact ....!!!
Secondly ,rediff has a very bad review .Their scale seems to be that of Hindi films ...Even for Anbe SIvam ,their review was of less quality
- From: Vaseegara (@
on: Thu Feb 27 10:43:02 EST 2003
IR invented silence? Maybe he also invented the earth?
x, maybe you don't know what is BGM before IR, but that does not make the rest of us fools.
IR has no clue of good BGM any more. In Ramana, there was silence ....... when the buildings collapsed! Either he is not bothered OR he is still living in the 80s.
Either way, he is making all of you fools.
- From: x (@
on: Thu Feb 27 11:11:27 EST 2003
vaseegara, don't start it again..Like a kid you keep talking about building collapse in that movie. Grow up!
"IR has no clue of good BGM any more" ???.. see a doctor, man! There is something definitely wrong with you.
People have talked about ramana a million times but you haven't learned anything...hmm.. I can't afford to waste my time educating deafs like you..
- From: b (@
on: Thu Feb 27 13:44:10 EST 2003
well said X. People those who don't have substance on their said they keep blabbering like this.Its happening to Vaseegara.
- From: san (@
on: Thu Feb 27 14:54:28 EST 2003
I cant believe the ridiculously low levels to which the dicussion forums have sunk to. I have not seen JG yet, but i have read all the reviews in the internet and magazines. Almost all the reviews, excepting the one in rediff by Shoba Warrier have appreciated the music , especially the background music. Now, music is a subjective experience. What i like maynot be liked by another person. shoba warrier may not have liked the music and it is her view point.
But she is not GOD or a JUDGE to make a verdict. If going by the stupid arguments seen above by some people with low IQ, Ilayaraja has spoilt the name of tamil cinema, then let those idiots give an assurance, that hereafter only the reviews of shoba warrier will be accepted. They have to accept even if she makes bad reviews of other music directors.
i still remember the interview which balumahendra gave a long time back , to a tv programme. when asked, why he persists with ilayaraja, even when trends are changing, he said that ,IN MY MOVIE, THERE ARE DIALOGUES AND THERE ARE SILENT PAUSES. THOSE SILENT PAUSES ARE AS IMPORTANT TO ME AS THE SCENES WITH DIALOGUES. ILAYARAJA IS THE ONLY MUSIC DIRECTOR IN INDIA, WHO UNDERSTANDS THE IMPORTANCE OF SILENCE. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT ILAYARAJA
I would refer these people and shoba warrier to see movies like Moonram Pirai, Veedu , Rettai vaal kuruvi, mullum malaraum, jaani, nenjathai killathey, metti, uthiri pookal, all of which were released in early 80s. You will realise that these movies will have so many delightful visual scenes without dialogues and without music, which added to the beauty of these movies by mahendran and balumahendran.
To compare ilayarajas background music with any others in india , in itself an indication of the remarkable shallow knowledge of indian films of its music.
Making these comments is quite easy and very beneficial for the writer, because it sensationalises the issue. If you say that the background music by ilayaraja is good, nobody is surprised because we all know, it always is. Saying that is loud and jarring, gets more attention .
So, all we need to do, is just close this topic. Because there is no point in arguing people who neither have functional ears, nor the structure located in between the two ears.
Let us enjoy the music, which we like and not listen to what we do not like. Our taste of music is not determined by Shoba Warriers taste. If Shoba Warrier does not like Idli, will u stop eating idli.
- From: Genius (@
on: Thu Feb 27 15:22:45 EST 2003
why cant balu mahendra make a movie with rajini now?
i throughly enjoyed "un kannil neer vazhinthaal..."
- From: vaseegari (@
on: Thu Feb 27 15:24:26 EST 2003
Thanks for pointing out that I am a fool for liking Raja's music. From now on I will not listen to Raja's music, thus I will not be a fool any more.
I accept that You, Are Yaar, and Shoba Warriar know more about Music than Raja or anyone else in this forum. Thanks for enlightening me. I shall forever be grateful to you for bringing me out of my foolishness.
It is a crime that people like you or Shoba are not in the music making business. If only you were, we Tamils will have world class BGMs.
Thank you once again.
- From: Anbe sivam (@
on: Thu Feb 27 16:36:18 EST 2003
Good posting.
It is riduculous to say IR's music is of stone age. IR uses conventional instruments mostly and this does not mean his music is of stone age. By your comment all symphony composers around the globe are of stone age as they use conventional equipments.
IR's music is classical both western and local and some times folkish. ARR's music is popish, which is also good. He relies on synth. to get various new sounds which is welcome.
But in all traditions classical has more longeveity than any other forms of music, where as pop music is really catchy. That's why devotional songs are made in classical base rather than others.
Both IR and ARR have to be appreciated for their contribution and having their style of presentation.
I don't go by what rediff review says. I think they try to be different from others just for the sake of it. Anbe sivam(I should not tell) is one of the best movie, I ever saw and it had a bad review in rediff.
Just like Charu Niveditha comment on IR and ARR. They just try to be different by humiliating achievers.
- From: ambleen (@
on: Thu Feb 27 23:26:09 EST 2003
I see 2 Braindeads had already congregated here.
Nobody shd respond to these 2 sensibly if you know what they are.
Don't see at nite. Dar u go...Your problem solved.
Please stop on ur capsules before you get annihilated.
- From: LP (@
on: Fri Feb 28 01:37:59 EST 2003
ambleen, 1 braindead and sensedead is you, who is the other?
Come on, don't be cruel, IR may no longer have anything left, but it is just not right to call him braindead.
- From: x (@ )
on: Sat Mar 15 11:21:34 EST 2003
Read what the director of 'manasellam' says about IR.
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