Topic started by Subbiah (@ 192-39-7147.unisys.com) on Mon May 15 09:03:40 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Please refer to the latest message from IR in his official website www.raaja.com. He has requested the fans not to upload the songs on the net. He is asking to buy the original CD's/Tapes. I feel that he is right. I would like to see other's reaction to this IR's statement. Please proceed.
- Old responses
- From: A (@ dyn2-254.kla-tencor.com)
on: Thu May 18 16:26:20 EDT 2000
Ramesh V: Your post reeks of unadulterated malice
ignorance. Please get your facts right before working your tired gray cells to come up with strange allegations.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Thu May 18 16:52:38 EDT 2000
If your site is as you say it, then proceed with what you guys are doing in good faith. Doubters will be there, you can't get upset over that. You're a public entity now, you can't please everybody or answer all questions for proof. Only time will reveal what you guys have set out to do.
Ramesh Venkatraman,
I liked the part of your post about royalties and how this has changed the audio business. That's interesting news to me. Thanks for that. What RaajANGHAM has set out to do remains to be seen. Why don't we wish them the best instead of calling their effort a farce? You and I haven't even shown that much initiative in doing something as selfless as what these guys are attempting. Let's not bury their cause when their efforts are yet to take shape.
What can I say, dude? Take a chill pill. This is a public place, behave accordingly.
- From: RaajaFan (@
on: Thu May 18 17:20:29 EDT 2000
Thanks for the "pat". Yes, you are right in fact. I am a new member of the Raajangahm community. I looked at their mission statement(http://www.raaja.com/mission.html) and was pretty impressed as to what they were trying to achieve to spread the music of the great genius composer. I strongly believe that their effort will not go a waste. The Raajangahm community has the potential to spread IR's music around the globe.
- From: A (@ dyn2-254.kla-tencor.com)
on: Thu May 18 17:41:15 EDT 2000
Udhaya dUde, I am quite chill! Thanks for your advice though! Ramesh V's comments on Raajangahm as "Jokers .., IR in pocket" etc..Don't you think he is
the one who needs to behave and learn how to post in a public forum?
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Thu May 18 18:05:40 EDT 2000
I didn't see any malice on Ramesh V's part. But you're right, he didn't have to say stuff like jokers. The underlying thing is everyone's anxious about IR's next move and RaajANGHAM's policy of, "Can't say anything yet" will generate suspicious responses from many until the site substantiates its claim.
- From: A (@ dyn2-254.kla-tencor.com)
on: Thu May 18 18:11:10 EDT 2000
Udhaya, Thanks for agreeing.
Ramesh's words appear to cheapen the efforts behind rAjAngahm and he will not go rebuked.
End of digression.
- From: A (@ dyn2-254.kla-tencor.com)
on: Thu May 18 18:13:06 EDT 2000
- From: aruLaracan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Fri May 19 14:20:22 EDT 2000
saNdai oyndhadhA?
when we donot have the true picture, we are prone to make wild guesses.
here are some clarifications:
(1) due to net-audio, two potential investors who were interested in raaja's music backed out in the very recent past.
(2) i donot know about india, but in the u.s and the western european countries, the songs played on the radio are not played by the radio stations. in a roundabout way, they are commercials!! (this was the case at least few years ago. i am not sure of the present situation tho'.)
(3) ir might have done a lot for royalty issues, but, as far as i know, he doesn't hold any copyright for the songs. he has no saying in how the songs are being packeted and released. (i surely do not want to talk about the politics and other dirty things that go in to it!)
(4) one of us "jokers" is in constant touch with raaja and gets updates at a frequency of more than once an hour. others in the RaajaNGAHM core group get the info on a daily basis.
(5) if you have faith, here is an inside scoop: expect a non-filmi album from raaja in the next few weeks :-))
i can counter most of the points raised here. i don't have the time right now. i have finish papers, go to india, chase girls, get my degree and much more :-)) see you all after two months. please do not send any more mails to me for the next two months. thanks :-)
- From: bb (@ kyoto-8.slip.uiuc.edu)
on: Fri May 19 14:47:09 EDT 2000
"chase girls"??!! aruL, kalakkunga:-)
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp02.sprint.com)
on: Fri May 19 20:01:10 EDT 2000
aruL: I hope your "chase" ends up in catching up with atleast one of them. Tip: avoid P T Usha:-)
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