Topic started by Pagalavan Krishnamoorthy (@ mb.cisco.com) on Sat May 24 22:25:46 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Neels (@
on: Wed Nov 4 04:16:30 EST 1998
Could you please tell me the name of the Music Company that has released it and any other details (from the package)? It's very difficult to locate the album. I could not find it during my visit to India.
- From: buddy (@ panorama2.nus.edu.sg)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:19:50 EST 1998
This is tht first time I am hearing I24hrs clip.
All I can about this is it's just Amazing!!!
- From: P. Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-02-5.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:21:59 EST 1998
can you let me know if this cd(india 24) is available in canada ........did anyone from canada buy it .if so where .i cant wait to get this album
P. Lankathas
- From: P. Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-02-5.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:22:11 EST 1998
can you let me know if this cd(india 24) is available in canada ........did anyone from canada buy it .if so where .i cant wait to get this album
P. Lankathas
- From: P. Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-02-5.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:22:15 EST 1998
can you let me know if this cd(india 24) is available in canada ........did anyone from canada buy it .if so where .i cant wait to get this album
P. Lankathas
- From: P. Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-02-5.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:22:20 EST 1998
can you let me know if this cd(india 24) is available in canada ........did anyone from canada buy it .if so where .i cant wait to get this album
P. Lankathas
- From: P. Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-02-5.sprint.ca)
on: Wed Nov 4 04:22:25 EST 1998
can you let me know if this cd(india 24) is available in canada ........did anyone from canada buy it .if so where .i cant wait to get this album
P. Lankathas
- From: Subramaniam (@ attcat.ds-us.com)
on: Wed Nov 4 09:59:44 EST 1998
Hi guys:
The clips I posted in my webpage are complete by themselves. There are 17 such short
clips in the CD. The ones I posted them
are really the best out of the whole lot.
Glad you guys enjoyed it!
For those who want to buy it, you can mail-order
it from raag people in L.A.
- From: neili (@ client-151-197-120-28.bellatlantic.net)
on: Wed Nov 4 20:31:50 EST 1998
Hi, if at all there were to be a pantheon
of all MDs ever then Raja is the Supreme God.
- From: Sree (@ viveka.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Thu Nov 5 14:54:18 EST 1998
I have tried searching for India 24 hrs in Montreal and found that it is not availble here.
- From: Swami (@
on: Sat Nov 7 12:44:19 EST 1998
Hello Subramanian,
Thanks for posting the 24 hrs clips. Great work.
The last clip "aspiration" reminds me of some song.Can anyone tell me what song is it based on? Where can I buy the CD?
- From: Subramaniam (@ slip-32-101-108-20.nc.us.ibm.net)
on: Sat Nov 7 13:44:22 EST 1998
The 'Devotion' piece reminded me
of 'Masaru Ponne Varuga' from devar magan.
I don't know abot Aspiration. I have to
listen to it again to see if it sounds like
some IR song,
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Mon Nov 9 14:21:16 EST 1998
This album took me about a year and a second listening to really enjoy the sublime depth of the compositions. The mood the music creates is really what India is all about musically. Raja has brought in everything you can imagine of India, the elephant walk, the therukoothu, the temple sounds, classical music evenings, different Indian rhythms. However, while I did not really understand why Raja came up with such a simple theme tune, it is just beautiful when played differently in the different sections. Like I said, you feel you are nowhere else but in the most spiritual corners of the world and that is anywhere in India. You can picture the pond, the temple by the pond, the suryanamaskhars, the bathing, walk down the streets.
Hats off to IsaiGnani, truly an amazing endeavour. The album is something unique because you have India's best photographers, artists and authors who have worked on this project to totally capture India in one album with IR's music as the great backdrop. This album was released on DD1 and another channel of Republic Day 1996. How much I curse myself for missing this Republic Day atleast.
Nobody miss this album. I was one of the first buyers but I could not appreciate the simplicity and depth of this album last year.
Go for it as this is one of the most surprising, sublime and profound efforts of IR.
- From: P.Lankathas (@
on: Mon Nov 9 20:39:35 EST 1998
sitaram where did you find this album. do you know if this is available in canada.
Thanks in advanced
- From: Subramaniam (@ slip-32-101-50-106.nc.us.ibm.net)
on: Mon Nov 9 22:07:22 EST 1998
Hi guys:
Posted a couple of more clips. Sustenance and Themes from I24hrs. The second one is a relatively longer one and it is real gem from the maestro, As Sitaram observed in his posting, this piece kind of resembles a classical (hindustani?) music evening among many other things.
Also, I have posted a background theme
from some tamil movie which I have been
trying to figure out for a long time. Can anyone
tell me which movie it is from?
Check out:
- From: Janarth (@ alcor.concordia.ca)
on: Mon Nov 9 22:27:20 EST 1998
Hi Subramaniam
thanks alot for the audio clips on india 24 hrs.
- From: P.Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-01-22.sprint.ca)
on: Thu Nov 12 16:49:30 EST 1998
There was a fire at IR's house, read this
Don't worry there was no danger for IR or his family, but you would still want to read this article as there is something interesting.
any comments
- From: P.Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-01-22.sprint.ca)
on: Thu Nov 12 16:49:41 EST 1998
There was a fire at IR's house, read this
Don't worry there was no danger for IR or his family, but you would still want to read this article as there is something interesting.
any comments
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Fri Nov 13 00:11:22 EST 1998
I don't have tamil fonts.Cud u give me a summary of what's there in the article
thanx in adv
- From: Swami (@ wp1.ericy.com)
on: Fri Nov 13 16:54:52 EST 1998
I listened to the BG score. I gues it is from the movie "Anjali" or "Idayathai Thirudathe".
- From: vijay (@ opah.chemengr.ucsb.edu)
on: Fri Nov 13 17:31:39 EST 1998
Hi everybody,
and in particular to Subramanian..
I stay in Santa barbara and saw that India24hrs is available in LA... could you please tell me how to order it?
- From: Subramaniam (@ slip-32-101-108-143.nc.us.ibm.net)
on: Fri Nov 13 19:09:58 EST 1998
The website for raag is htp://www.webcom.com/raag
- From: Dev Mannemela (@ tide76.microsoft.com)
on: Fri Nov 13 19:44:59 EST 1998
The BG score posted on your web site from
the Kamal movie.., it's got the "Maharajanodu rani vandhu" song... "Sati Leelavathi"..
There were only a couple of songs in the movie,
and the CD had a few excerpts of background score..
Great music..
- From: Subramaniam (@ slip-32-101-108-177.nc.us.ibm.net)
on: Fri Nov 13 22:31:37 EST 1998
Thanks Dev for that info, such a heavy bg score from Sati leelavathi...wow! I never would've
guessed it.
- From: Subramaniam (@ slip-32-101-108-177.nc.us.ibm.net)
on: Fri Nov 13 22:45:38 EST 1998
Sorry, I did not see your posting guessing
that the bg score could have been from Anjali or Idhayathai thirudathey. It could be. I was guessing all this time it was from Ithayam movie.
Anyway, thanks y'all.
- From: Raghav (@ ppp36-119.bng.vsnl.net.in)
on: Mon Nov 16 06:42:49 EST 1998
I could not get the CD in Bangalore. Anybody from Bangalore got the CD? If so, please let me know where you got it.
- From: suren (@ userl170.uk.uudial.com)
on: Tue Nov 17 19:29:18 EST 1998
hi guys
some info for u guys about india 24 hours album by IR.relesd in 1996 by CMMSTUDIOS of Bombay.got 17 pieces. music con by UTTHAM SINGH??
brilliant album ,subtle music u will like it.
bye now
- From: dhan (@ dajal.legato.com)
on: Sun Nov 22 19:48:28 EST 1998
anybody noticed that IR has re-used one of the most popular tunes of NBW in I24hrs. I noticed in more than 2 songs, but ofcourse IR has introduced some variations as compared to the original. IMO, I24hrs pale when compared to the heights of HTMI, and NBW.
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Nov 23 01:32:56 EST 1998
U can't expect I24H to be in NBW/HTNI stds ,since it's just a BG score for a movie.
- From: OMKUMAR (@ )
on: Wed May 9 06:16:43 EDT 2001
could u please tell me which company is realising this cassette and where can i buy it in coimbatore?
- From: Vijay Venkatram J (@
on: Wed May 9 15:04:26 EDT 2001
Om Kumar:
-- -----
U can get the CD at Staar Traack Music at Cross Cut Road. U can call them at 232398 and confirm the same.
Maestro's Fans Come To:
- From: haris (@
on: Wed May 9 16:13:21 EDT 2001
where can we get it in the US?
- From: bb (@
on: Wed May 9 17:39:45 EDT 2001
haris, i got the CD in mail bag, san jose. u can try it there. http://www.mail-bag.com/
- From: aravind (@ )
on: Wed Nov 21 11:05:16 EST 2001
I am in TN(Coimbatore)
Can any one of u tell me Where Can I get the Casste or CD of IR's India 24 Hours.
PLs Mail me about this to
PLs, pls
- From: k (@ )
on: Sun Apr 4 13:22:36 EDT 2004
available at http://www.rakkamma.com/albums.phtml
- From: rijo joseph (@ )
on: Wed Sep 29 10:16:42 EDT 2004
I am in Kerala, Trivandrum
Can any one of u tell me Where Can I get the Casste or CD of IR's India 24 Hours.In Kerala or Mumbai or Delhi
Plz hlp me
- From: Ram (@
on: Thu Sep 30 00:06:16 EDT 2004
Where can i get India 24 Hrs. CD in Chennai
Please do let me know ...
- From: sarath (@
on: Thu Sep 30 10:50:19 EDT 2004
Dear Ram:
You can get in this site
this is done by Prasant rao from B'lore on behalf of raja fans club.
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